Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies connect you with a wide range of graduate job opportunities from employers they work closely with.


Recruitment agencies

How they work

Whether it's permanent or temporary positions, recruitment agencies have got you covered. Here's why employers turn to agencies: 

  • Fill specialised positions outside their expertise. 
  • Maintain confidentiality during recruitment. 
  • Stay ahead of competitors by keeping recruitment discreet. 
  • Seek assistance with the hiring process when short-staffed. 

Many agencies specialise in specific industries, sectors, or locations. Remember, the employer pays the agency, you should not be asked to pay the agency for finding you work. Register with confidence, knowing that the agency's primary client is the employer, dedicated to finding you the perfect job. 

Recruitment agencies

How to use them

Recruitment agencies are a go-to resource for temporary work and sector-specific jobs. Stay ahead of the game by knowing how to leverage these agencies effectively. 

Recruitment agencies cover a wide range of sectors, offering both permanent and temporary positions. They're contracted by various organisations to match candidates with suitable opportunities. Look no further than Unitemps, our on-campus recruitment service, for a boost to your CV, valuable workplace experience, and assistance in securing a graduate role. 

Many agencies are members of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), the national body of the recruitment industry. Harness the power of recruitment agencies to enhance your job hunt and increase your chances of starting your graduate career. 

Recruitment agencies

Advantages of using them

  • Direct Access: Your recruitment consultant connects you directly with decision makers, boosting your chances of success compared to unsolicited CV submissions. 
  • Time Saver: Even while working full-time, let the agency uncover suitable opportunities for you. 
  • Specialist Insights: Gain valuable sector-specific advice from specialised agencies. 
  • Skill Building: Work with staffing and contracts agencies for diverse short-term experiences with multiple employers, enhancing your skill set. 
  • Future Planning: Secure work in advance when moving to a new town.
Recruitment agencies

Advice when using them

  • Choose wisely: Opt for reputable agencies backed by positive reviews and recommendations. 
  • CV excellence: Provide a top-notch CV to make a lasting impression. 
  • Stay in the loop: Regularly contact the agency for updates on your progress through calls, emails, or visits. 
  • Specify your preferences: Inform the agency if there are certain companies, like your current employer, to exclude from CV submissions. 
  • Diversify your search: Don't solely rely on agencies; explore other job search avenues too. 
  • Know the dynamic: Remember, employers pay agencies to fill specific roles. While registering, keep in mind that the employer is the agency's primary client, and you should never be charged for job placement. 
Recruitment agencies

Check one out

  • REC membership: Find specialised recruitment agencies through the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) website, covering various work types, sectors, and locations. 

  • Agency Central: Explore thousands of recruitment agencies and job sites on Agency Central. Filter your search by industry, desired skills, and location. 

  • Online convenience: Discover online-only agencies that let you submit applications directly on their platforms. Prioritise site security when sharing personal information. 

  • Local search: Utilise Yell to locate recruitment agencies based on your desired location.

Speak to a Careers Adviser

Get guidance from our friendly team of Advisers. Book an appointment or call 0161 295 0023 (option 5, option 3). 

Open to current students and Salford Alumni only.