Contact Us
Please visit our course enquiries contact page if you are a prospective student, teacher or careers advisor.
Ways to get in touch
There are plenty of ways to contact the various teams at the University of Salford.
Please visit our course enquiries contact page if you are a prospective student, teacher or careers advisor.
Key services
Find contact details for key services below. If you need us in a hurry, please call using one of the phone numbers listed below.
Main switchboard
Course enquiries
- +44 (0)161 295 4545
- Visit the course enquiries contact page for additional contact methods
Student support services (askUS)
- +44 (0)161 295 0023
- Visit the askUS website for additional contact methods
Speak to your School Office
- +44 (0)161 295 5338
- Visit the contact your School Office page for additional contact methods
Campus security team
- +44 (0)161 295 3333 – emergencies, available 24/7
- +44 (0)161 295 4773 / +44 (0)161 295 4107 – non-emergencies
Digital IT
- Visit the Service Portal
Human Resources
- Email
- Please note HR do not have a direct phone number
Accounts Payable
- Email
- Please note that Accounts Payable do not have a direct phone number
Sports Centre
- +44 (0)161 295 5060
- Visit the Sports Centre website for other contact methods
Students' Union
- Visit the Students' Union website for contact details
- Please note that the Students' Union do not have a direct phone number
University Health Centre (GP)
- +44 (0)161 295 4209
- Visit University Health Centre website for other contact methods
Find us
Visit our travelling to the University of Salford page to find out how to get here.
Contact us
Please use the form below if you want to get in touch about:
- Schools/colleges liaison
- Knowledge transfer/enterprise
- Conferencing
- Degree apprenticeships
- Employing our students
- Professional training/CPD
Please do not use this form if your enquiry is about recruitment, studying at the University of Salford, or any of our courses (other than professional/CPD courses). Visit our recruitment contact page instead.
If you are an employer of apprentices registered with us and wish to raise a complaint, please refer to the Complaints Policy and Procedure for Employers of Apprentices.