Studying Podiatry at Salford

Sutdy Podiatry BSc University of Salford
So you’ve applied to study Podiatry, we've made you an offer, but you’re still deciding or have further questions? 
We want to make sure you have all the information you need as you get ready to study at Salford. We hope the information below helps you in your decision making. If you have any further questions, simply get in touch with us here.


Why should you study Podiatry at the University of Salford?


100% of our students go on to highly skilled work within 15 months of completing their Podiatry degree (Graduate Outcomes 2024)


You will experience real world learning and benefit from our links and available placements with NHS clinics in Greater Manchester


You will put your learning into practice in our Podiatry Clinic and Human Movement Laboratory, both based on our Frederick Road Campus

Our Facilities
Podiatry Clinic

Our podiatry clinic adds a cutting-edge to your training, as well as providing a valuable asset to the local community. It will give you hands-on experience and the opportunity to apply what you've learnt. 

The clinic includes:

  • Orthoses suite with workshops
  • Computer aided design and manufacturing facilities
  • Gait examination room
  • Private cubicles
  • Seminar rooms
  • Gait laboratory
  • Anatomy room
  • Clinical skills rooms
Gait Analysis Lab

The gait analysis service supports the care of children with cerebral palsy by enabling assessment of their gait to input to their care pathways. We also offer gait and human movement assessment related to amputees, neuromuscular disorders (such as stroke) and a range of orthopaedics disorders.

Our Gait Analysis Lab equipment includes:

  • 10 Qualisys OQUS motion analysis cameras
  • Four AMTI force plates embedded into the floor
  • Custom stairs that integrate with the force plates are available
  • Visual 3D real-time analysis software
  • Eight channel Noraxon Telemyo G2T wireless EMG system with associated foot switches and accelerometry
  • Tekscan pressure system
Human Performance Lab

Our Human Performance Lab contains almost every type of physiological, performance analysis and biomechanical testing equipment. This includes a 30-metre sprint track with in-built force platforms, motion capture systems, blood and gas analysis equipment and speed guns. Take a 360 tour here

How our graduate students ranked us... (NSS 2024)


The teaching on my course


Learning ressources


Academic support

"At Salford, the clinic on campus is incredible and the industry links are unmatched. All of the tutors and clinicians have worked in the NHS or private sector so they understand the profession and offer valuable advice.
We learn huge amount about the human body, diseases and healthcare provision. This makes us skilled and knowledgeable practitioners with a world of job opportunities at our fingertips."

Did you know?

You will start your clinical practice within six weeks of starting the course within our own in-house clinic. Your practice will develop throughout your time with us - one day per week in NHS clinics and then for longer periods of time during work placements in your final year.

Student Support Services

We want you to enjoy your time studying here, but we understand that there may be times when you need a little extra support. Whether you need support with mental health and counselling, living costsaccommodation or just want a chat with our friendly Wellbeing Team, we are here to help. Find out more about all of the student services we offer here.

How is contact time on the Podiatry course structured?

BSc (Hons) Podiatry consists of three days contact time per week. In terms of placements, we organise all the placements for you and they fall within the three day structure, except in the final year when there is a block placement of five weeks.

What locations are placements typically in?

The locations of the placements can vary but tend to be within the reach of the greater Manchester area. We take your preferences into account wherever possible, along with many other factors such as where you live, what type of transport you use, your previous placement, work and life experience. Ultimately, everything depends on the type and location of available placements. You may have to stay away from home and meet the initial costs associated with this. You can however claim this cost back using the Learning Support Fund. Wherever possible we will try to keep your journey times to under 90 minutes, but again, this is subject to placement availability.

Do we need to buy everything on the reading list?

We would suggest that you make use of the online resources provided and make a judgement call on the books you need once you have started the course. People do re-sell books so you can often pick them up cheaper after starting at the university. The library also has a great range of resources and online books available for our students.


If you haven't already, make sure you secure a place at one of our upcoming Offer Holder Days. On a visit day, you will have the opportunity to experience life as a Salford student on your chosen course - you'll meet your teaching team, hear from current students and connect with other applicants.

Book a visit day

Offer Holder Hub

Go back to our Offer Holder Hub and find out more about accommodation, finance, and wellbeing and support.