Inclusive Library support

We aim to make our facilities inclusive for all library users. Please let us know if you notice something we could improve.


Accessibility - Help in the library

We recommend discussing your needs with the Disability Inclusion Service. They will create a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP) that can be used University-wide. Information about your disability will only be shared if we are given your express permission to do so. Click on the buttons below to explore the different support the Library provides.

Library collections

Book collection

We offer a Click and Collect service for all library users. You can request print books and AV items by logging in to Library Search and choosing “request”. Once ready, the items can be picked up at Allerton Learning Space, Clifford Whitworth or Media City Library by you or a nominated person. If you require somebody else to collect your item(s) on your behalf please email

Extended loans

All items will automatically renew up to 13 weeks or until requested by another library patron. For students with reasonable adjustment plans in place this means that your loans will renew every two weeks rather than every week. Requested items will be held on our reservation shelves for two weeks.

RNIB Bookshare

RNIB Bookshare supports those who are unable to access print by providing a vast collection of accessible textbooks. This is a free service for visually impaired students. Queries about this service should be sent to

Accessible versions of essential Reading List items

Students with Reasonable Adjustment Plans (RAPs) requiring texts in alternative formats should contact their Academic Support Librarian with details of the item(s) and Reading List(s). The Library will attempt to source the resource in the required format, such as an electronic copy of resource if available, or scan the item or provide the material through RNIB Bookshare.


Assistive technology and software

At the University you can access a range of assistive technology, accessibility tools and software packages designed to support you to access the services and information you need and to support you in your studies.

OrCam Learn 

Text to speech reading assistance device. Includes text to speech OCR reading capabilities and additional features designed specifically for students with reading challenges. This can be borrowed from the Enquiry Desk during staffed hours in the Clifford Whitworth Library as a 24-hour loan.

Relay UK

Relay UK brings relay services for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and speech-impaired people. Digital IT is registered with Relay UK. Staff are available to help with queries during core hours. A voicemail service runs at other times.


Inspiration, My Study Bar and Adobe Acrobat Reader are available at most sites. Disability Inclusion Services provide further software and with Microsoft 365, you can connect to your resources anytime, anywhere and from any device.


This ‘mind mapping’ software is available on PCs in the accessible study rooms. For more details about accessible study rooms see the Library Spaces section below. It can display information and ideas visually using webs, maps, and diagrams. Inspiration can also reformat the visual information into an index or list in Word, enabling you to see your ideas as an outline of a report or an essay. 

My Study Bar (MSB)

Software applications designed to provide study skills support for students in their academic work. The MSB icon is on desktop PCs in the Library. My Study Bar consists of: Planning, Reading, Writing, Vision, Voice, and Help. A general guide to MSB is available.

Microsoft Accessibility Tools

Magnifier, Narrator or On-Screen Keyboard are useful tools when using Microsoft Office applications. They are available to everyone and are on all Microsoft laptops and PCS, so you will be able to access them on all Library desktop PCs and laptops. To use these tools, click the 'Start' icon, go to 'All Programs', and select the tool you want from 'Accessories'.

Adobe Acrobat Reader - Have your PDF files read aloud to you

This feature is available to everyone via Adobe Acrobat Reader and will read the text content of PDFs out loud. Acrobat Reader can read PDF aloud on any device, so you can listen to the content of a PDF from anywhere. Read guidance on this feature.

A roaming profile is useful if you need to use multiple software systems. These are available as recommendations through Student Support Plans/ Reasonable Adjustment Plans (RAPs). If you think you would benefit from this service, please contact Digital IT.


Study spaces (for chairs, desks, study rooms)

Ergonomic chairs

Ergonomic chairs can be found in the accessible study rooms.

Adjustable desks

Clifford Whitworth  
Ground floor
  • Accessible room 4
  • PC Suite
  • Near LEARN sign
First Floor
  • Window area
  • Pavillion
Second Floor Accessible room 21
Level 0 Accessible room B'hive 01
Level 1 Near Lapsafe
Level 2 Near entrance
Level 4 PC suite
Media City Library  
Third Floor Near printer


Accessible study rooms

Clifford Whitworth Library and Allerton Learning Space have accessible study rooms. These can be requested by students and signed off by Library staff.

Services (toilets, locker loans, accessible printers)

Accessible toilets

Clifford Whitworth: Accessible toilets are available on all floors.

Allerton Learning Space: The accessible toilet is on the main corridor outside the entrance.

Media City: Accessible toilets are available on all floors.

Lady Hale/The Cube: Accessible toilets are available on all floors.

Locker loans

A number of student lockers are available at Clifford Whitworth Library for those with Reasonable Adjustment Plans (RAPs) that require one. The lockers are large enough to store several books, so you won't have to carry them around. Please ask staff at the Enquiry Desk during staffed hours if you would like to use a locker. Students with RAPs in place can loan a locker for up to four weeks.

Accessible Printers/Photocopiers/Scanners

All University printers are accessible, fitted with an adjustable control panel and screen enlargement option. Read our guidance on how to use the printers.


Access (parking, library site access)

Disabled parking

Clifford Whitworth Library

The closest accessible parking spaces are:

  • Three spaces outside the front entrance to the Maxwell Building. Parking is not free for Blue Badge holders.
  • Five designated accessible parking spaces outside University House. Parking is free for Blue Badge Holders and is 200 m (approx.) from The Library.
Allerton Learning Space
  • There are eight designated accessible parking spaces in the park next to the building.
  • The main entrance is 15 m (approx.) from the car park.
  • Parking is free for Blue Badge holders.
The Library at MediaCityUK
  • There is no University owned car parking. Parking is available at The Lowry car park which has lifts.
  • The Lowry's multi-storey car park has designated parking on all eight floors. Lifts are available.
  • Blue Badge holders can park free of charge during trading hours for four hours. Normal parking rates will apply after four hours.


Library site access

Clifford Whitworth
  • The lift to all floors is located right from the entrance past the stairwells and at the rear of the building.
  • Open 24/7
  • Staffed 8:00 - 21:00
  • Library visitors need their library ID card for access between 17:00 and 8:00. There is a ramp available at the entrance.
Lady Hale Cube
  • The lift to all floors is located on the left as you enter the building
  • Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00
  • Closed weekends
Allerton Learning Space
  • Located on Level 1, the Learning Space is accessed via the lift located left as you enter via the main entrance.
  • The lift to Learning Space Levels 0 to 4 is accessed via the ramp facing the entrance to the Learning Space
  • Monday 8:00 - 19:30
  • Tuesday - Friday 8:00 - 18:00
  • Closed weekends
  • Staffed Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00
MediaCity Library
  • Located on Level 3 the lifts are located right from the entrance.
  • Monday to Saturday 7:00 - 22:00
  • Closed Sunday
  • Staffed Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00 with no staffing on Saturdays