Join our year-round live workshops and events to boost your knowledge or gain some business acumen and get closer to your career goals.
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Attend a Workshop
Level up your skills and career prospects! Don’t miss these valuable opportunities!
Unitemps Drop-In
Starts: 13 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 13 Feb 2025, 3:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers Hub (Ground Floor)Pop in to the Careers Hub (Lady Hale Building) to talk with a member of the Unitemps team and learn how their temporary jobs can benefit you!CV Drop-In
Starts: 13 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 13 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers HubGot questions about your CV? Bring it to our drop-in session for a quick review, and we'll help you out! We'll provide advice and suggestions to make your CV stand out and leave a great first impression. Don't miss this chance to enhance your CV and improve your job prospects!Lunch & Learn: Interview Skills (Level 6)
Starts: 13 Feb 2025, 1:30 pmFinishes: 13 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmLunch & Learn: Interview Skills (Level 6) (Construction, Surveying and Civils apprentices)Get into Law: Virtual Work Experience Evening
Starts: 13 Feb 2025, 5:00 pmFinishes: 13 Feb 2025, 7:00 pmGet into Law: Virtual Work Experience EveningInterviews and Assessments
Starts: 17 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 17 Feb 2025, 1:45 pmThis workshop is for students and graduates who are interested in developing confidence with interviews.CV Drop-In
Starts: 18 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 18 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers HubGot questions about your CV? Bring it to our drop-in session for a quick review, and we'll help you out! We'll provide advice and suggestions to make your CV stand out and leave a great first impression. Don't miss this chance to enhance your CV and improve your job prospects!International Opportunities Drop-In
Starts: 18 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 18 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers Hub (Ground Floor)Pop in to the Careers Hub (Lady Hale Building) to talk with a member of the International Opportunities team and learn how their jobs in other countries could benefit you!Unitemps Drop-In
Starts: 20 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 20 Feb 2025, 3:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers Hub (Ground Floor)Pop in to the Careers Hub (Lady Hale Building) to talk with a member of the Unitemps team and learn how their temporary jobs can benefit you!CV Drop-In
Starts: 20 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 20 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers HubGot questions about your CV? Bring it to our drop-in session for a quick review, and we'll help you out! We'll provide advice and suggestions to make your CV stand out and leave a great first impression. Don't miss this chance to enhance your CV and improve your job prospects!CV Drop-In
Starts: 25 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 25 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers HubGot questions about your CV? Bring it to our drop-in session for a quick review, and we'll help you out! We'll provide advice and suggestions to make your CV stand out and leave a great first impression. Don't miss this chance to enhance your CV and improve your job prospects!International Opportunities Drop-In
Starts: 25 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 25 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers Hub (Ground Floor)Pop in to the Careers Hub (Lady Hale Building) to talk with a member of the International Opportunities team and learn how their jobs in other countries could benefit you!Career in Healthcare Communications – Careers Event
Starts: 26 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 26 Feb 2025, 6:00 pmVenue: Royal Society Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0AE, United KingdomAre you interested in the healthcare and pharmaceutical communication industry? Are you curious to find out more about the industry and the breadth of roles involved in it?PM Society Careers Event: Healthcare Communications
Starts: 26 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 26 Feb 2025, 6:00 pmVenue: Royal Society of MedicinePM Society Careers Event: Healthcare CommunicationsManchester STEM Women Graduate Careers Event
Starts: 26 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 26 Feb 2025, 4:00 pmVenue: BridgeWater HallManchester STEM Women Graduate Careers EventUnitemps Drop-In
Starts: 27 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 27 Feb 2025, 3:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers Hub (Ground Floor)Pop in to the Careers Hub (Lady Hale Building) to talk with a member of the Unitemps team and learn how their temporary jobs can benefit you!CV Drop-In
Starts: 27 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 27 Feb 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers HubGot questions about your CV? Bring it to our drop-in session for a quick review, and we'll help you out! We'll provide advice and suggestions to make your CV stand out and leave a great first impression. Don't miss this chance to enhance your CV and improve your job prospects!University of Cambridge: Hybrid Secondary PGCE Open Event
Starts: 27 Feb 2025, 5:00 pmFinishes: 27 Feb 2025, 7:00 pmVenue: Cambridge UniversityUniversity of Cambridge: Hybrid Secondary PGCE Open EventIs postgraduate Study for Me?
Starts: 28 Feb 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 28 Feb 2025, 1:45 pmThis workshop will provide information on postgraduate qualifications and help you consider if postgraduate study is for you.Making the most of LinkedIn
Starts: 3 Mar 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 3 Mar 2025, 1:45 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, LH100Remaining places: 26This workshop will summarise what makes an effective LinkedIn profile and how to make use of the various functions within LinkedIn to increase job search success.International Opportunities Drop-In
Starts: 4 Mar 2025, 1:00 pmFinishes: 4 Mar 2025, 2:00 pmVenue: Peel Park Campus, Lady Hale, Careers Hub (Ground Floor)Pop in to the Careers Hub (Lady Hale Building) to talk with a member of the International Opportunities team and learn how their jobs in other countries could benefit you!
Workshops in detail
Career coaching
Emotional Intelligence
Unlock the Power of Emotional Intelligence: Your Pathway to Success!
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the cornerstone of a thriving and rewarding career. To truly excel in the workplace, cultivating EI is not just an option — it's a necessity. This session is designed to empower you with the essential tools to master Emotional Intelligence.
During the session, we will delve deep into the five key skills that lay the foundation of EI. These skills are the bedrock upon which your success in the professional world will be built. You will learn to navigate emotions effectively, build robust relationships, and handle challenging situations with grace and composure.
The benefits of developing Emotional Intelligence are boundless. It will serve as a powerful catalyst, empowering you to unleash your full potential and tap into your abilities like never before. Remember, your path to success starts with developing Emotional Intelligence!
Self-Awareness and Peak Performance
Peak Performance will support students to develop a deeper understanding and self-awareness to be able to perform to the maximum of their ability. It will help students to have that feeling of confidence, effortlessness and total concentration on the task. Students will learn more about their self-imposed limits that damage their ability to reach their true capabilities. Students will learn how to make the most of the opportunities available to them. The aims of the workshop are threefold; firstly, to identify students' own internal barriers; secondly to identify the source of those barriers; and thirdly to challenge how real those barriers are and how they may be removed.
Career planning
Plan your career with confidence
In this workshop we’ll introduce some career theory and help you start thinking about your future options. We’ll provide you with some useful tools to help you reflect on your skills, strengths and values, and offer practical tips to help you plan your career with confidence!
Thinking of Postgrad Study?
Are you considering further study as your next milestone, but you’re not sure if it’s right for you? In this session, it’s all about post-grad study as we help you consider what type of course might suit you! You’ll learn about where to find opportunities, discover options for funding and gain tips and tricks for writing those pesky applications!
Optimising your uni opportunities
You’ve made it to Salford, congratulations! But now you’re here, how do you know what to do? Join a society? Use the Students Union? It can be quite overwhelming! We’re here to provide you with some top tips about how to prioritise your time effectively, and help you decide when you should start preparing for internships, placements and graduate employment or further study. You’ll leave this session with a confident overview of your university journey and the skills and know-how to make the most of your time at Salford.
Optimising your summer opportunities
Your summer break is a great opportunity to get some valuable work experience, but how do you find some? And how can you stand out from the hundreds of other students doing the same thing? This session will give you practical tips to make your summer meaningful and consider how and when to apply to optimise your summer!
CVs, applications and interviews
Become incredible at interviews
What types of interviews are there? How do I prepare for them? How can I explain my experiences in a meaningful way that will secure me my next opportunity? Come along to this session to build your confidence around interviews and be empowered about how to come across as well informed and as professional as possible. With this informative session and some practice, you too can Become Incredible in Interviews!
Ace your Job Application
Applications are a key part of getting a job or further study, but how do you make them impactful? In this session, we will de-mystify the application process, help you think like a recruiter, and give you practical tips on how to ace your written applications.
Personal Branding
Developing a personal brand will provide the tools to make the right impact with potential employers. The increased self-awareness will allow students to successfully market themselves, effectively demonstrate their talents, and develop a unique selling point that will give them the edge in the employment market.
Be CV confident
Ever wondered why your CV isn’t getting you any interviews? Or perhaps you’ve never created one and don’t know where to start? Come along to our ‘Be CV Confident’ session and we’ll go through the fundamentals of what makes a brilliant CV! You’ll also learn about the common mistakes we all make and how to avoid them to help you create a great CV which shows employers that you mean business!
Creative CVs
Don’t know where to start when it comes to designing the creative CV of your dreams? This session will give you the confidence to submit a creative CV that feels authentic to YOU! We’ll also consider more traditional CVs used for creative fields and weigh up when it’s best to use which one.
Academic CVs
If you’re interested in further study within research, you’ll likely be asked to submit an academic CV as part of your application. What goes into an academic CV, and how do you make yours stand out? Attend this session for all the best tips and tricks to make your academic CV amazing.
Jobs and work experience
Finding graduate jobs
It’s time to start thinking about what comes after university! Whether that's a graduate scheme, an internship or a graduate job. The job market can be overwhelming and confusing, so join this session to learn how to confidently hunt for jobs, maximising your search, and how to play the recruitment game.
How to find a job in the UK
The job market can be overwhelming and confusing. Join this session to learn how to:
- confidently hunt for jobs
- strategically build that all-important “UK experience” that employers value
- market yourself effectively to companies
- learn how to play the recruitment game.
This session is predominantly aimed at International Students, but all are welcome!
Using LinkedIn for job hunting
Using social media fairly regularly, but feel like you’re missing a trick? Got a basic LinkedIn profile, but don’t really know how to use it properly? Don’t even know where to start with any of the above? This session is for you! We will focus on how to create a stand-out LinkedIn profile, and how to use your socials to find your next opportunity.
Careers Fairs – Be prepared
It can be difficult knowing what to do at a Careers Fair, especially if you haven’t been to one in the UK before. This session is here to help you understand the purpose of a Careers Fair, get prepared to attend, and maximise your time effectively. You’ll leave this class equipped with the skills and confidence to research, network and follow up professionally!
Perfect your Professional Skills
Want to develop your professional identity but not sure where or how to start? Then come along to this workshop where you will learn about how to present yourself professionally in the world of work. We will go back to basics so you can understand professional etiquette, develop your confidence, and ask those questions you’ve always been wondering about but been too afraid to ask before.
This session will be particularly useful for students who haven't worked in an office setting before, including international students who wish to develop their understanding of UK business norms.
Work for yourself
We offer a variety of bespoke workshops available for staff to book for their students. Below is an outline of topics we can cover and we are more than happy to work with you on making the workshop content bespoke to your programme. If you would like a member of the team to contact you regarding running a workshop please complete our workshop request form.
Business basics
This session will introduce students to business basics and look at the fundamentals of setting up and running a business. They will learn about the importance of good market research, establishing their value proposition and determining their customer base. This workshop will also cover the best ways to go about business planning and participants will learn about why it is important to network for business.
Business funding and finance
In this session we will explore the concept of business finance, how to work out start-up costs and the importance of financial planning. They will learn about what records they will need to keep with examples of useful applications that make tracking expenses a breeze.
Business idea generation
In this workshop we will explore the processes that turn an idea into a business concept. Students will learn how to foster and build great ideas, turning problems into solutions. Students will get a chance to experience an idea generation process and come up with a business pitch to communicate their final concepts.
Business planning
Overview of the business planning process based on an innovative and straightforward approach as outlined in the 'Business Model Generation' text by Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur. In this session, we will cover the 9 building blocks of the Business Model Canvas: Customer Segments, Value Proposition, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, and Cost Structures. This overview will provide students with a starting point for considering the elements needed when creating their business plan.
How to be successful when doing business abroad
In this session, we will guide students towards business success abroad, even if English is not the language spoken in their chosen market. Students will learn how to handle language challenges and do well in different business situations. We will show them how to improve their communication and understand cultural differences. Join us to discover the tips and tricks that can turn language barriers into opportunities. Get ready to achieve success in the global business world, no matter what language you speak!
Networking for success
Our Networking for Success Workshop is here to help students make the right connections. In this session we will teach them networking strategies, from crafting the perfect elevator pitch to building lasting professional relationships. This will be an opportunity to pave the way for their future success and to take the first step towards building a network that will open doors to endless possibilities!
Personal and business branding
In this session students will learn the importance of branding for them and their business. We will explore why it is important to be self-aware and project a positive image to employer/customers, through personal and professional interaction. We will look at ways to boost their personal and company profile by using personal branding techniques and social media to enhance their online presence.
Pitching your business idea
Pitching is an important skill to develop, whether presenting a business idea to potential investors, or delivering a business presentation within the company they work for. This workshop will help them to think about how to plan, structure and deliver an effective pitch. We will cover organising content, positive body language and persuasive techniques to keep an audience’s attention. Students will learn how to present their business case clearly and succinctly in ten minutes or less.
Redefining failure
In this workshop, students will learn about the importance of understanding failure as a natural part of their journeys, rather than something to fear. We will explore practical ways to handle setbacks and provide techniques for turning failures into opportunities to move forward. This session is perfect for gaining insights into the challenges that come with starting businesses and learning how to overcome them effectively. By the end, we hope students will feel more confident and prepared to face any hurdles that come their way.
Social enterprise
This workshop will introduce students to the concept of “social enterprise”, why there is such interest in this model of business and why there is sometimes confusion around this model. The session will go into the range of business structures that this model can take and support participants make a better informed choice on whether creating a social enterprise is the best option for them! We’ll look at analysing national, political and policy drivers that affect enterprises and how a social enterprise differs from a private business. If you would like a member of the team to contact you regarding running a workshop please complete our workshop request form.
Social media marketing
In this session, students will get to know the exciting world of Social Media Marketing. We will explore how to make brands shine online. From creating interesting posts to getting people engaged, students will learn valuable tips for succeeding in today's digital world. We will uncover smart strategies, explain how algorithms work, and discover the power of different social media sites. This is an opportunity for students to nurture creativity, as they embark on an enlightening journey towards becoming adept social media marketers.
Understanding why your idea/business is not taking off
In this workshop students will gain essential knowledge about strategies for business success. Students will explore practical techniques for overcoming challenges and maximizing opportunities. From effective communication skills to navigating diverse markets, this workshop offers a comprehensive understanding of key factors that contribute to business growth.
Using marketing in business
The success of any business relies on brand awareness, but many start-ups have little cash to spend on marketing. This interactive workshop will use action planning to enable participants to identify and explore ways in which they can not only raise the profile of their business, but also achieve a better understanding of their customers. We will cover effective ways to market a business and learn about using social media to aid in promoting their business. Using real world examples, best practice methodology and practical exercises this session will highlight how start-up businesses can build a successful marketing strategy.
What does it take to become an entrepreneur?
In this interactive workshop students will learn about the concept of becoming an Entrepreneur. We will focus on what it means to become an Entrepreneur and the skills they will need to become a successful one. They will learn about the benefits of being self-employed and motivate students to put their business idea into action. This workshop will outline key personality traits and provide a chance for self-reflection, enabling them to identify areas to develop to run a business.
Working freelance
An introduction to freelancing as means of practising their trade and selling their skills. Through this workshop, students will learn how to leverage their expertise and transform it into a successful freelance career. They will gain insights into finding clients, effectively managing their time, and navigating the challenges of working independently. By attending this workshop, students will be better prepared to embark on their freelancing journey, giving them a valuable edge in today's dynamic professional landscape.