Under the 2010 Equality Act, someone has a disability if they have a condition which affects them physically or mentally and has a substantial impact on their ability to carry out daily activities. It's estimated that one in five people live with a disability in the UK. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Physical impairments
  • Mental health conditions
  • Visual impairments
  • D/deafness and hearing loss
  • Learning difficulties
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Neurodivergent minds including autism, ADHD, dyslexia and more

There are lots of different types of disability and it’s important to remember that no two people will have the same experiences, even if they have the same disability. Having a disability is a unique experience and there are several different ways in which a disability might impact on someone’s lived experience. Below, you'll find support available to you, both from the University and local organisations, that can help you succeed in your studies, work, and personal life.

Disability support

Browse the topics below to find out about the support that is available from the University, as well as external organisations, to ensure you have fair and equal access to work and study.

How we can help you
Support for students

The Disability Inclusion Service is here to support you during your time at Salford. If you experience a disability, long-term condition or a specific learning difficulty, register with the Disability Inclusion Service by completing our registration form and submitting medical evidence. The team will then contact you to arrange your support, which could include:

  • Making a Reasonable Adjustment Plan to remove any barriers to your education.
  • Accessing funding to help you meet the extra costs of studying that students with disabilities may face.
  • Assessments for Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), such as dyslexia.

Find out more about the Disability Inclusion Service

Support for staff members

We are committed to delivering an accessible place to work and study for people with disabilities. We are determined to create an inclusive culture that gives everyone a chance to thrive, a culture where developing understanding and awareness around disabilities is everyone’s business. Visit the Staff Hub to find out how we can support colleagues with physical disabilities and hidden conditions, and create an accessible and inclusive environment for everyone.

External help and support

Salford City Council have put together a webpage with information for local residents covering topics like housing, money, work, transport and more.

Colleague network

Access Salford

Access Salford is a colleague network for disability, chronic illness, and neurodiversity. Members meet regularly in-person and online and are dedicated to making Salford a more equitable place for disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent people. The network is open to disabled colleagues, carers and allies who are passionate about promoting a positive culture of inclusion. If you're a member of staff and interested in joining the Access Salford, please get in touch by emailing AccessSalford@salford.ac.uk

We asked members of Access Salford what Disability Pride meant to them. Here’s what they said:

Disability Inclusion Service

We're Here For You

If you are disabled and study or work here at Salford, there are lots of ways we can support you. Above, you can find out how our Disability Inclusion Service can help you with topics like funding and reasonable adjustments to make sure you have fair and equal access while you study, as well as support for colleagues and external advice.