Theatre and Performance teaching staff
Looking to learn more about the background of our Theatre and Performance tutors and technical demonstrators or put a face to a name?
Find out who'll work with you throughout your academic journey at the University of Salford.
Whether you're looking to learn more about the background of our Theatre and Performance tutors and technical demonstrators, read helpful FAQs, or put a face to a name, you can find out more about the team of experts who will work with you to ensure your learning experience with the University of Salford is a success.
Did you know?
We have a strong relationship with the industry
Our Theatre and Performance tutors have a strong relationship with the industry. Through our masterclasses and events, we welcome experienced industry guest speakers to share their stories and lessons with our students.
Sign-up to an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Open Day or attend a campus tour.
Have a question? We're only an email away or phone us on +44 (0)161 295 4545.
Great facilities are only half the story
Our team of Theatre and Performance technicians will help you get the most out of the equipment and software we have on offer.
Sign-up to an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Open Day or attend a campus tour.
Have a question? We're only an email away or phone us on +44 (0)161 295 4545.
We’re only an email away
We support the academic and professional development of our Theatre and Performance students to help you reach your potential. Have a question? We're only an email away or phone us on +44 (0)161 295 4545.
Sign-up to an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Open Day or attend a campus tour.
Get to know the Theatre and Performance faculty through these FAQs
Which visiting professors, artists and scholars have engaged with your Performance students?
Our Performance courses are taught by a range of visiting professional practitioners in addition to lectures and technical demonstrators. These can include BBC TV presenters, high-calibre stand-up comedians, sound and lighting designers, comedy improvisation specialists and physical comedy practitioners, screen actors and directors.
We also run an Employability Masterclass Programme throughout the year where invited guests facilitate workshops and talk to students about their practice and journey into the industry. These include, Lekan Lawal - theatre director, Claire Symonds – Senior Producer at The Lowry Theatre, Sarah Emmott – Co-Artistic Director of Art with Heart, Lee Houghton - Careers and Enterprise Development, Ash Cox - Digital Engagement and Audience Development, Rosie Archer – Equity.
For our undergraduate programmes, during your 3-year degree, you’ll have the chance to hear from Casting Directors, Comedy Producers, Technical Directors, Agents, Self-Taping Specialists, Artist Network Agencies, such as Mandy.Com and casting platform Spotlight.
Our students have been extremely fortunate to have worked with Writer and Director Jim Cartwright, Theatre and TV Actor Julie Hesmondhalgh, comedians Peter Kay, Jason Manford and Kiri Pritchard-Mclean, Actor Jane Horrocks, Actor and TV Presenter Denise Welch, amongst many more household names.
We have close connections with The Lowry through David Clare the Technical Manager who works closely with Technical Theatre students to ensure valuable and up-to-date industry links. Celia Perkins and Katie Scott are both established and successful theatre designers who are regular visiting tutors on the Technical Theatre programme. There are close links to the eight-time Tony & Olivier Award-winning/nominated sound designer Gareth Owen.
What Performance disciplines do your Performance faculty explore?
Our Theatre and Performance degrees allow for exploration of areas such as acting, theatre, events, film, social media, live streaming, radio & TV, depending on which course you choose. When you study with us, you could be exploring live studio production, experimental theatre acting, Renaissance theatre, comedy performance, scriptwriting, theatre directing, stage lighting and sound or acting for radio or TV. Our extensive range of module options means that you can choose what you want to specialise in and where your career is focused.
What inspired you to start teaching at the University of Salford?
Our lecturers and technical demonstrators were inspired to start teaching at the University of Salford to use their professional experiences - of working in the performing arts industry - to provide industry-standard skills to the next generation of performance professionals.
Our performing arts staff are still actively engaged in the industry, which enables our team to keep your learning experience fresh and up-to-date. We also gain great satisfaction from seeing our students graduate each year, knowing they are taking the knowledge they learnt from studying a performance degree at Salford into the industry.
What is your teaching style at the University of Salford?
Our performing arts lecturers each have their own teaching style, which will make your experience with us richer. Our performance teaching staff at the University of Salford are approachable and are invested in helping you thrive and excel in your chosen area.
You’ll learn through a variety of lectures, seminars, workshops, and projects. Our classes are often practical so a ‘hands on’ approach makes learning enjoyable as well enabling you to gain real experience which you can use effectively in the industry.
How will the Performance faculty support my learning and development?
Our performing arts modules have been carefully crafted to allow all learners to access information through a range of varied teaching methods. These also include the use of the University’s virtual learning platform Blackboard; where additional information, examples, videos, links to articles or websites for each class can be found. This allows you to learn at your own pace, supporting you as an independent learner.
You’ll also have a tailored Academic Progress review, which will provide you with an opportunity to create goals each year. When you study for a performing arts degree at the University of Salford, you’ll have tutorials with your academic tutors. They’ll work with you to encourage you to increase your skill set and work towards the completion of your individual goals and career pathway.
You’ll also have access to our library, which holds many academic workshops for any student who wishes to gain more skills in academic research and writing. Our technicians are also on hand for demonstrations, technical support and troubleshooting.
Theatre and performance courses at salford
All our Theatre and Performance courses are delivered by the Salford School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology. Our focus is to ensure that you have the skills you need to pursue your dreams, and we encourage our students, past and present, to collaborate with each other and achieve great things.
Whatever you choose to study with us, you’ll be mentored and supported by experts. And once you graduate, it won’t end there. You’ll join a thriving alumni network across Greater Manchester and beyond, meaning you’ll be supported professionally and personally whenever you need it.
Explore our theatre and performance facilities
Fancy learning your craft using the same technologies you’ll use when working in industry? Study with us and you’ll become confident and comfortable with industry-standard kit, facilities and environments. You won’t just be left to work it out on your own – our experienced tutors and technicians will show you how to develop your skills.
Confused about accommodation or how you'll pay for university?
We know there's a lot to consider and it can all be a bit confusing. That's why we've pulled together all the information you'll need before you apply, so you can get the whole picture.
Have a question? we're only an email away
Whether you're looking to attend a virtual campus tour or find out more about our courses and facilities, our supportive staff will help answer your question. Contact us today, as we're only an email away or phone us on +44 (0)161 295 4545.