From graduation to vice president: Sarfaraz's success story at Salford

A graduate in a suit wearing a blue jacket and sunglasses stood in front of a high rise building.

Sarfaraz from India had enjoyed a varied and successful career before he came here to study MSc Digital Business (now MSc Managing AI in Business) to get a formal education in the rapidly changing digital transformation space. He secured a job as Vice President – Financial Services at Bank of New York Mellon just one month after graduating.

Read more about his experiences studying at Salford.

Choosing the right programme of study

“Before deciding to undertake further study, I worked in a variety of industries including banking, manufacturing, shipping and logistics with clients including Morgan Stanley, Citi and Barclays. For the last 3 - 4 years I was in the digital transformation space in roles including mainframes developer, tester and business analyst. I reached a point where I felt the need for a formal education to build a strong foundation in a rapidly evolving industry so I decided to explore studying a master's in digital business.

I chose to study in the UK after turning down offers to do my master’s in Germany. I had previously lived in London, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but I wanted to try a new city. I was attracted to Manchester because of its vibrancy, cultural richness and diversity.

The highly experienced teaching staff was a major draw to Salford. Their expertise and commitment to academic excellence promised an insightful educational experience. Before making my final decision, I joined a virtual session with Dr Yun, which instilled confidence in me about the course. Additionally, Salford’s strong industry connections and opportunities for hands-on learning through internships and research projects were key factors in my decision to join the programme.”

A male graduate wearing graduation robes sat on a light blue seat

Life at Salford

“My favourite aspect of the course was the dynamic interactions with my lecturers. There was also a large amount of collaboration on case studies with a variety of peers, not just from the digital business master’s but also from the marketing programme and I found this incredibly enriching. The standout experience was the opportunity to overhaul my social media during a module which provided a unique hands-on learning experience.

Away from academics, I loved the vibrant student life at Salford. I participated in initiatives like the student mentor programme and cultural events which enriched my experience. I also enjoyed exploring the city centre’s cultural attractions and other areas in Greater Manchester in my free time.

I also found a part-time job at Apple as a Product Specialist which was a fantastic experience where I built lots of transferable skills that enhanced my employability.”

Journey since graduation

“As I was nearing the end of my course, I had the opportunity to meet one of the directors from the Bank of New York Mellon at a meet-up session organised by the University of Salford. We had a quality discussion which left a lasting impression, and he offered me a job within his team one month after I graduated. I’ve been working in this role and overseeing strategic functions within financial services for the past year.

I have three top tips for international students considering studying in the UK. Embrace the change! It’s a new culture and you'll have new experiences, so keeping an open mind and being adaptable will make the transition easier.

Join societies and make connections. This is a great way to build a support network and learn more about the UK’s diverse culture. Lastly, work hard and don’t hesitate to seek assistance from the University’s support services – they're there to support you throughout your academic journey."