Nursing: Service Users and Carers Group
It’s the little things that matter
'Compassion' 'Dignity' 'Respect' 'Joined-up care' 'Personalised Care' 'Good communication' 'Kindness' 'Being listened to'
These are some of the key messages our Service Users and Carers Group bring to the training of nurses in the School of Health and Society.
The Nursing Service Users and Carers Group (SU&C) is a collective group of service users, carers, and parents who have past and current lived experience of engaging with local healthcare services and or providing care for family or friends. The SU&C group was established over 20 years ago and aims to include representation from all age groups with diverse healthcare and cultural backgrounds.
The group aims to share their breadth and wealth of expertise and diverse lived experiences in an open genuine, generous and frank manner with learners to ensure that the voices of the public, patients and carers are fully heard and represented in the nursing curriculum.
The SU&Cs participate in all stages of the student’s journey including the recruitment and interviewing process, the design and delivery of courses, participation and contribution to lectures and seminars, the production of re-useable learning materials, such as digital stories, audio or videos, and are involved in the assessment and evaluation of courses being delivered across undergraduate, masters, and post-qualifying education and training.
The Learner & Service User/ Carer lived experience conference for Year 1 pre-registration nurses is a key annual activity for group members and has been in place since the inception of the SU&C group.
Local and national organisations
SU&C group members are active members of local and national community groups and organisations, including:
Local and national organisations
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers
Patient Association
NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale
Salford Older People Partnership
Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People
British Diabetic Association
George House Trust
Salford Institute for Dementia
Health Innovation Manchester
Patient and Public Engagement Committee, Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale CCG
Greater Manchester Citizen Lab
Access 2 All Areas
NHS England
Health Education England
Department of Health and Social Care
Health and Care Professions Council
National Institute of Health Research
Research Design Service
Clinical Commissioning Groups
McPin Foundation (Mental Health Charity)
NIHR Surgical Med-Tech Co-operative
Independent Mental Health Network
Get involved
We are always looking to welcome new members to the group and to improve the range of activities that we offer our students. If you would like to learn more, please get in touch:
Dr Mary E. Braine, Service User & Carer Lead email:
Janet Quilliam, Administrator for the Service User & Carer Group email:
You can download the registration form here:
Or, fill in the online form here