School of Science, Engineering & Environment 17.09.24

GRADUATION 2021: Salford student proves you can have it all

Emma Roberts is one of our First-class Biomedical Science graduates and a role model for anyone who says, ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘it is not right for me yet’. 

When Emma started her undergraduate degree, she was a busy mother of three balancing full-time study at the University of Salford with other life commitments. While studying, she found out she was expecting her fourth child, decided to move to a new house, and on top of that was planning her wedding.  

Emma said: “From the moment I looked into biomedical science I knew it was the pathway I had to take if I wanted to make a difference to the thousands of individuals affected by acute and chronic illnesses on a daily basis. I chose Salford for the state-of-the-art equipment they had, the vast range of modules accredited by the institute of biomedical science, the bold and beautiful lecture halls and the general positive vibe that gave me an instant feeling of belonging – it was an easy decision to make.” 

When asked how she managed ‘huge’ life events and studying she commented: “Balancing children, moving house and planning a wedding was difficult, but the great support network at the University and family and friends enabled me to stay focused on the long-term goal and keep moving forward.  

“It was very challenging especially as the pregnancy had complications, impacting my grades and my mental health, however, this made me more determined to achieve this degree because if it wasn’t for the scientists, myself and my unborn child wouldn’t be here today.” 

During her degree, Emma also completed a successful placement at the North West Lung Centre which she describes as an amazing life experience and the most enjoyable time of the degree. Offering work placement learning is an important element of Biomedical Science Programmes. Emma added: “I learnt additional skills, divulged further into current research, was actively involved in clinical trials and most importantly I was able to use these transferable skills in my final year.”  

When asked if she has any advice for prospective students she said: “I would advise any aspiring students with a love for biology and medicine to enrol for a biomedical science degree at The University of Salford, allocate your time wisely, take on board all feedback from your tutors and seek help when needed; graduating is the most rewarding feeling you can have as a student; do not give up!” 

Emma graduates from the University this summer and is on the search for her dream job in research and healthcare sciences within the Greater Manchester area. 

Emma Roberts portrait