Academic Handbook
The Academic Handbook comprises a set of academic policies and procedures that support the university's academic quality assurance and enhancement activities relating to its taught and research degree programmes.
These academic policies and procedures reflect relevant strategies of the university. They have been mapped against the expectations of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education to ensure compliance with the external framework.
For further information and guidance on the policies and procedures below, as well as any related forms, please see the QMO page on the Staff Hub.
If you are a current student looking for our Student Handbook filled with helpful links you might need during your time studying we recommend visiting our Current Students page.
Part A: Curriculum Design, Approval, Evaluation and Review
Part B: Admissions and Retention
Part C: Assessment
- Assessment and Feedback Policy 2024/25
- Academic Appeals Procedure
- Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct Procedure
- Assessment Boards for Taught Programmes
- Examination Rules
- External Examining for All Taught Programmes
- Higher and Degree Apprenticeship End-Point Assessment Policy
- Alternative and Modified Assessment Policy and Procedure for Disabled Students
- Personal Mitigating Circumstances Procedure
Part D: Student Conduct
Part E: Academic Regulations
- Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes
- Academic Regulations for Research Awards
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes 2024/25
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes 2023/24
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes 2022/23
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes 2021/22
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes 2020/21
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes 2019/20
- Code of Practice for the Conduct of Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes 2018/19
Part F: Partnerships and Collaborative Provision
Part G: Related Publications
- Academic Ethics Policy
- Academic Roles Manual: Academic Role Descriptions and Expectations of Academic Standards
- Asylum Applicant Document Retention Processes
- Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies and ATAS Policy
- Committee Handbook
- Examinations – Information for Invigilators
- External Advisors - Scheme of Fees
- Home Office Compliance Policy
- Student Visa Reporting Duties Policy
- Student Route and Tier 4 - Guide to Responsibilities
- Student Visa Holders Placement Policy
- Personalised Academic Support Policy
- Non-UK Visitor Policy
- Programme Development and Review: Procedures and Guidance (only accessible by a University of Salford staff account)
- Regulations for the Award of Honorary Degree
- Scheme of Academic Governance
- Student Complaints Procedure
- Student Engagement, Interruption and Withdrawal Policy
- Student Name Change Policy
- Student Pregnancy, Maternity, New Parenthood and Adoption Policy
- Student Protection Plan
- Student Refund and Compensation Policy
- Timetable Policy