Single Module Level 7

Non-Medical Prescribing (Level 7, 30 credits)




Two semester

Next enrolment

June 2025


In a nutshell

This course will enable you to evaluate and challenge prescribing practice with reference to evidence-based practice, equality and diversity and clinical governance.

This module is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), and the General Pharmaceutical Council (GpHC) (Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Advanced Paramedics and Therapeutic Radiographers). Upon successful completion, you will be able to add an annotation to your professional registration as an independent prescriber. For Dietitians and Diagnostic Radiographers, you will be able upon successful completion to add the annotation as a supplementary prescriber. 

You can also take this module at Level 6, visit our Level 6 programme page for more information

You will:

  • enhance your career opportunities.
  • become a holistically focused practitioner.
  • explore the influences on, and psychology of, prescribing.

Course accreditations

Course details

All about the course

This module explores:

  • Consultation, decision-making and therapy, including referral.  
  • Influences on, and psychology of, prescribing.  
  • Prescribing in a team context.  
  • Clinical pharmacology, including the effects of co-morbidity.  
  • Evidence-based practice and clinical governance in relation to non-medical prescribing.  
  • Principles and methods of monitoring response to therapy.  
  • Legal, policy and ethical aspects.  
  • Professional standards, accountability and responsibility.  
  • Prescribing in the public health context.  
  • Portfolio development.

For more information about studying this module at Level 6, visit our Level 6 programme page for more information

This module starts in January, March, April, June or September and is taught over two semesters. It is suitable for a range of registered healthcare professionals who wish to study Independent Prescribing including nurses, midwives, podiatrists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, aesthetic nurses and advanced paramedics. It is also suitable for Dietitians and Diagnostic Radiographers wishing to study supplementary prescribing. 

All are a combination of taught lectures and directed study. The September, January, March, April and June cohorts are being delivered remotely using an online virtual classroom you can log into remotely. 

Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

What will I be doing?






This module is studied over five and a half months and is delivered in a variety of ways including seminars, group work, tutorials, learning sets, lectures, and self-directed study. There are weekly taught sessions which take place on a Monday.

A key feature of the module is the use of blended learning which is delivered using an interactive website which is updated regularly. This has been developed by the North West HEIs in conjunction with the NHS North West. The North West HEIs are now part of the HE Cooperative. The website includes videoed prescribing scenarios, guided study with both written and audio material, as well as self-assessment tools, a guide for portfolio development and links to web-based material.


Assessment will be based on two strategies to include:

  • Theory assessment 50%:
    • Numeracy assessment
    • Short answer
  • Practice assessment 50%:
    • Objective structured clinical examination.
    • Assessment of Clinical Prescribing Practice.
    • Portfolio demonstrating the application of theory to practice through the use of a theoretical reflective account.

The School of Health and Society

The School of Health and Society is a forward-thinking, dynamic school with a commitment to lifelong learning and real world impact.

Our courses are informed by the latest research and we work closely with organisations from both the public and private sector to ensure our teaching is at the forefront of practice.

Employment and stats

What about after uni?

This module enables the student to gain a recordable qualification which provides an excellent opportunity for professional development as well as enhancing the patient experience. 

You will be a holistically focused practitioner who is able to critically evaluate and challenge prescribing practice with reference to evidence-based practice, equality and diversity, and clinical governance. 

Career Links

We work with over 100 health and social care organisations so our links with industry are very strong. These relationships will be of direct benefit to you because our academic team works in practice in some of these organisations at a senior level so are able to keep you at the forefront of developments in the sector which in turn helps you provide a better service. 


What you need to know

This module starts in January, March, April, June or September and is taught over two semesters. It is suitable for a range of registered health care professionals including nurses, midwives, podiatrists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, aesthetic nurses and advanced paramedics.

Applying for post qualifying Health and Social Care single modules

All applications for post qualifying health and social care modules are made directly to the University.

Self-funded applications

If you are self-funding a programme of study or single module, please complete the appropriate application form and send directly to the University. You will also need to download and complete the HeCooperative NMP application form.

Funded places

If you are an NHS employee, you may be eligible for a funded place the NMP Lead within your organisation or training hub will be able to provide further information. If you are unsure of who to contact please contact the programme leader at University of Salford, Clare Liptrott

For application enquiries contact Carl Sowerby and to submit completed applications

For course enquiries, please contact Clare Liptrott

Pharmacist self funding/employed entry criteria enquiries and pharmacist specific enquiries contact our pharmacist Clare Liptrott on

Enquiries from Aesthetics Nurses/Pharmacists Michelle Pickering

Standard entry requirements

Previous study and experience

  • You should have an undergraduate degree in a related discipline. 
  • Nurses should have 1 year post-registration experience.
  • Pharmacists are required to demonstrate:
    • relevant experience in a UK pharmacy setting 
    • the ability to recognise, understand and articulate the skills and attributes required by a prescriber, and 
    • an identified area of clinical or therapeutic practice The applicant must clearly demonstrate this in detail as part of the selection process. 
  • Allied Health Professionals should have three years post-registration experience.
Alternation entry requirements

Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

We welcome applications from students who may not have formal/traditional entry criteria but who have relevant experience or the ability to pursue the course successfully.

The Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) process could help you to make your work and life experience count. The APL process can be used for entry onto courses or to give you exemptions from parts of your course.

Two forms of APL may be used for entry: the Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) or the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).

We positively welcome applications from students who may not meet the stated entry criteria but who can demonstrate their ability to successfully pursue a programme of study in higher education. Students who do not have formal entry qualifications are required to sit a written assessment which is designed for this purpose. Support in preparing for the written assessment is available from the University. Please contact Pat Killeen for further information.

  • Supporting information: you should include details of your current post and role and previous study at level 5 / 6.
  • Personal statement: please outline the reasons why you wish to undertake this module.

How much?

Type of study Year Fees
Part-time 2025/26 £1,470 per 30 credit module
Part-time 2026/27 £1,530 per 30 credit module

Additional costs

You should also consider further costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits. 

Apply now

All set? Let's apply

Enrolment dates

June 2025

September 2025

June 2026

September 2026