Graduate Outcomes Survey

The Graduate Outcomes Survey asks graduates about your activities approximately 15 months after completing your studies. It captures three main areas to get a picture of how graduates from UK universities are faring after they complete their courses:

  • How meaningful or important you feel your activity to be
  • Whether you are using skills you gained at university
  • How you are progressing towards future goals

Accessing Advantage once you’ve graduated

Knowing what you’ve gone on to do means we can give you the right support as alumni. It also helps us to better design our courses and support current students. Sparing a few minutes of your time makes all the difference.

  • You’ll be emailed a link to the online survey 15 months after graduation. We’ll email the University and personal email address that are held on record for you, so make sure to keep them up to date. You can check your details on Advantage.
  • If the survey company can’t reach you by email, they will call you

Even when you have completed your course, Careers & Enterprise is still available to help you with any career-related issues you have. This service is available to you for life. 

If you would like help finding employment opportunities and developing your career plan and job seeking skills, or if you have any further questions about the Graduate Outcomes survey, please contact us. 


If you have any questions or don’t know where you should start, contact askUS for help.

Phone: +44 (0)161 295 0023

Email: careers&