Safeguarding relates to the protection of the health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk, enabling them to be free from abuse, neglect or exploitation. We all play a vital role in safeguarding our apprentices and, as such, it is important that employers are aware of how to detect and report a safeguarding issue. Safeguarding is about keeping people safe from harm, and we all have a role to play in this. Some people, such as children and adults at risk are more vulnerable to harm as they may be less equipped to keep themselves safe from it. 'Harm' can mean a number of different things and people can experience this in different ways. Examples of harm and abuse can include domestic abuse, neglect (including self-neglect), self-harm, sexual abuse, emotional and psychological abuse and financial abuse among many others. People can experience abuse from people they know such as family and friends, or from people within their communities or strangers.

Safeguarding at the University of Salford

If you require further information and guidance, please see our Safeguarding Policy.

What is Prevent?

The duty to safeguard apprentices from harm extends to preventing them being drawn into terrorism. This forms the statutory 'Prevent Duty') (s26 Counter Terrorism and Security Act). The Prevent Duty is about safeguarding people from harm by preventing them being radicalised into terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups. It is not about stopping people holding or expressing views that others might find offensive. It is important to note that 'extremism' covers a broad spectrum of beliefs which may include far-left, far-right, environmental, Islamist, pro-life etc. Whilst some of these beliefs may be offensive to others, they are not all illegal and would only be concerning when someone is at risk of committing violence or criminal activity including vocal or active harassment, intimidation (hate crime), or incitement to violence.

It can be difficult to identify radicalisation, but it can include changes in behaviour and appearance, isolation from friends or involvement with new groups/individuals, unwillingness to discuss views or discussing new extreme views that they have not expressed before. If you are worried about an apprentice, you should always discuss your concerns with University of Salford. 

Further information: 

What do you need to do?

Do you have a concern?

Employers who have a Safeguarding or Prevent concern about an apprentice can contact Safeguarding at the University to report their concerns:

Raise a Safeguarding Concern:

Leanne Kirk - Safeguarding Manager, University of Salford