Fundamental British Values (FBV) and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

British Values

The Department for Education have reinforced the need 'to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs'.

University of Salford is committed to upholding and actively promoting these values.

Fundamental British Values (FBV)
Rule of Law

The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.

Our learners will develop a respect for the rule of law through:

  • Student Code of Conduct;
  • Disciplinary procedures and IT protocols;
  • Lecture and seminar rules.
Respect and Tolerance

Understanding that we don't all share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others, whilst not imposing our own on others.

Our learners will develop an understanding of respect and tolerance through:

  • Our chaplaincy, offering multi-faith events throughout the calendar year, and a purpose-built multi-faith Centre where students of all faiths and or no faith can equally find space to socialise, pray and reflect;
  • Salford Pride, developing understanding and respect for our LGBTQ+ community;
  • Volunteering, work experience and mentoring programmes;
  • University Bullying and Harassment Policies;
  • We have a dedicated Student Inclusion and Diversity Manager, and broader student advice team in AskUs - all staff are also required to complete training on diversity and inclusion;
  • University of Salford Student Union (USSU) and AskUs are third party hate crime reporting centres;
  • Our diverse curriculum.

A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Our learners will develop an understanding of democracy through:

  • Our Students' Union, with the opportunity to stand and vote in Sabbatical elections;
  • Students' Union General Meetings (UGMs);
  • A broad range of optional events and seminars, where students are encouraged to voice and reflect on their own ideas;
  • Being invited to participate in student surveys.
Individual Liberty

Protection of your rights and the rights of others you work with. 

We seek to protect our learner's individual liberty through:

  • University and USSU Safeguarding Policies and Procedures;
  • Our curriculum;
  • Access to University support, information and guidance through AskUs and USSU;
  • Counselling and Welfare team and access to a comprehensive suite of mental health services.
Report It

As a University committed to upholding and promoting Fundamental British Values, we believe that bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, domestic violence, stalking, physical violence, racism, microaggressions and hate crime are never OK. It is important to speak up so that we can act and support students.

Report It is a safe and confidential way to report any of these unacceptable experiences.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At the University of Salford, we are proudly committed to being inclusive. We cherish the diversity of our students, staff and community and above all being fair in all that we do. All of us, staff and students alike, are responsible for ensuring we are actively creating and maintaining a positive and inclusive environment. We make sure that everyone can confidentially express their concerns and we have an institutional responsibility to make sure we can address them.

Each year we plan what we're going to improve next, so that we can sustain an environment of social justice and equity where all of us can thrive and celebrate our uniqueness, with our different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.

At our University we treat everyone with respect and that means we will not work with those who bully, harass or discriminate in word or action. This includes any person or organisation that is directly associated to the University making public statements that are hateful, discriminatory or promote inequality.

As a University we fully encourage freedom of expression, but exercising our freedom needs to be done in a respectful way. We will aim to protect our students and staff from being exposed to views and behaviours that are not respectful and inclusive. We distinguish from this our academic collections and related systems which may contain materials that were historically deemed to be suitable for publication but today are considered discriminatory or offensive. These materials are, however, essential for academic study and research. We will treat colleagues fairly, equitably and with dignity based on their individual needs and the requirements of our organisation.