Meet our tutors

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Meet the tutors

Meeting our applicants is one of the best parts of our jobs as admissions tutors in the School of Health and Society. Normally at this time of the year we'd be welcoming you onto campus for a face to face interview. We’d provide you with an overview of the course and take you around our amazing facilities on the Frederick road campus before the interview for your chosen course.

Our campus is open, and we’re teaching face-to-face, but to reduce the volume of people on campus and keep our staff, students and visitors safe, we are doing things slightly differently this year. Decisions on your application will be made by assessing the information submitted on your UCAS application. However we would still like to take the opportunity to meet you. We are hosting a number of online events to give you the chance to chat to the tutors and see the facilities that we have on offer whilst we process your application.

To find out what you need to do, we have put together some course specific guidance below as well as some useful FAQs to help you take the next steps of the process.  

Six students in nursing suite with text 'We are the school of health and society'

What to expect

Students working on a project

Selecting the right university is an important decision and whilst we can’t invite you on to campus right now, we would like to invite you to one of our online meet the tutor events. These online sessions will provide you with an opportunity to meet some of our course tutors and learn more about the course and facilities that we have at Salford. These sessions are optional, they are your chance find out more about your chosen course and to ask any questions you have, they will not be used to assess your application. To find out more about what to expect, select your course from the drop-down list below. 

Meet the tutors

Select your course from the drop-down menu below for more information including the available dates and how to join the sessions. 

Social Work

What to expect

 The session will cover the following:

  • Introduction with the staff
  • Programme presentation
  • Question and answer session

We can also share some of the research and innovative activities the Integrated Practice and Social Work departments are involved in. In some of the sessions we will have people with lived experience of receiving social services. You are more than welcome to attend multiple sessions.  


The online event will begin at 4pm and last approximately one hour. The events will run on the following days:

  • Wednesday 16 December
  • Wednesday 13 January 
  • Wednesday 27 January 
  • Wednesday 10 February 
  • Wednesday 24 February 
  • Wednesday 24 March 
How to access the sessions

There is no need to book, simply click on the your chosen date when you are ready to join the session. Please note the links will go live at 12 noon of each date so please don't worry if you can't access it beforehand. When joining we recommend using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop computer.  

How will my application be assessed?

These sessions are optional and you will not be assessed. Decisions on your application will be made by our assessment panels using the information you have submitted on your UCAS application. Assessment panels are comprised of academic staff and people with lived experience of receiving social services and we will be using the Entry to Social Work Training criteria within our Professional Capabilities Framework. 

If we need any further clarification on your application we will contact you to seek some additional written evidence.

If your application is unsuccessful you may be considered for an alternative course - BSc (Hons) Social Policy.




Learning Disabilities Nursing and Social Work

What to expect

 The session will cover the following:

  • Introduction with the staff
  • Programme presentation
  • Question and answer session

We can also share some of the research and innovative activities the Integrated Practice and Social Work departments are involved in. In some of the sessions we will have people with lived experience of receiving social services. You are more than welcome to attend multiple sessions. 


The online event will begin at 4pm and last approximately one hour. The events will run on the following days:

  • Wednesday 16 December 
  • Wednesday 13 January 
  • Wednesday 27 January 
  • Wednesday 10 February 
  • Wednesday 24 February 
  • Wednesday 24 March 
How to access the sessions

There is no need to book, simply click on the your chosen date when you are ready to join the session. Please note the links will go live at 12 noon of each date so please don't worry if you can't access it beforehand. When joining we recommend using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop computer.  

How will my application be assessed?

These sessions are optional and you will not be assessed. Decisions on your application will be made by our assessment panels using the information you have submitted on your UCAS application. Assessment panels are comprised of academic staff and people with lived experience of receiving social services and we will be using the Entry to Social Work Training criteria within our Professional Capabilities Framework. 

If we need any further clarification on your application we will contact you to seek some additional written evidence.

If your application is unsuccessful you may be considered for an alternative course - BSc (Hons) Social Policy.


How will my application be assessed?

Decisions on your application will be made using the information you have submitted on your UCAS application. These sessions are optional and you will not form part of your assessment.  

What if I am not able to attend a session?

We would very much like to give you the opportunity to meet the tutors and some of the staff who will be teaching you on the programme, however these events are optional. If you are unable to join us on these sessions you will have opportunities, once you receive an offer from us, to meet the staff and have a look at the facilities on campus.

How does the event work?

You can access each of the sessions we have on offer from your course dropdown – please note that links will not be live until 9am on the morning of your event.

When you click on any of the session links, they'll open in a new tab. The system we’re using for the event is called Blackboard Collaborate. Blackboard is the virtual learning environment we use at Salford, and you’ll become very familiar with it when you start your course.  

We advise you to use Google Chrome to access the sessions.

How do I access the sessions?

Using Google Chrome, just click on the link for the session you want to access, and it will open in a new tab.

When you join your first session, you’ll be asked to add your name and that’s all you need to do. A microphone and camera test may also pop up the first time you open a session; when prompted, please allow Collaborate to access these or you may not be able to hear the presentation. Don't worry, no one will be able to see or hear you as we have disabled microphones and cameras. 

If you experience audio problems when you enter any of the sessions, you can also dial into the session using your mobile phone. To do this please click on the menu button in the top left hand corner and select 'use your phone for audio'. This will provide you with a unique phone number and pin that will allow you to dial into the session.

How do I ask questions?

During the sessions, you will be able to type any questions into the chat function on the right-hand side of the screen – you won’t be able to ask questions verbally as all microphones are disabled.

To access the chat function, click on the pink two arrows symbol on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Please be aware that any questions you type here can be seen by other participants.

I have a disability and I'm unsure of how this will affect my experience during the event.

If you have a disability and need support during the event, please contact us by calling +44 (0)161 295 4545 or email to discuss your needs. 

For more information on the accessibility of our campus, please visit the accessibility section of our website. We have also worked closely with AccessAble to produce an assessment of our campus and facilities; you can find out more about access guides and routes across our campus on the AccessAble website.