Matthew was born in London and grew up in Milton Keynes. He currently divides his time between Manchester, Sheffield and London. He specialises in screen, voice and motion capture acting. His playing age is 25-40.
Matthew Alexander Kaufman portrait

Matthew has been working professionally as an actor since 2005. He has appeared in over 40 television commercials in the UK and Europe and has had speaking parts in the feature films Desert Flower (with Timothy Spall) and A Closed Book (with Tom Conti).

Matthew has worked with director Stephen Fingleton on several short films, including Shirin (2012), for which he was also Executive Producer. Shirin was longlisted for a BAFTA in 2013. Matthew has contributed voice work to many of Fingleton’s subsequent projects including his latest feature Nightride which premiered in the UK on Netflix in 2022.

Matthew is a recurring cast member of the sci-fi audio drama The Sojourn. He has attended classes at Act Up North in Manchester and has recently completed his Master’s degree in Screen Acting at the University of Salford.

Spotlight link:

Spotlight Pin: 7110-1272-1708

Watch showcase scene below: 

Title of scene: Breaking Bad season 1, episode 6 - 'Crazy Handful of Nothin''

Character Name: Walter White

Matthew Alexander Kaufman and Reece Berresford MA Screen Acting click to play