Enterprise in Dementia and Ageing
Growing the School's offering in dementia and ageing related enterprise activities.
We welcome opportunities for Tender activities and will create compelling bid responses focussing on the topics of Dementia, Ageing and Frailty. Our expertise and experienced staff enable us to respond to tender opportunities in a swift, professional and competitive manner. Equally, we have the expertise and knowledge to conduct Consultancy work focusing on Dementia, Ageing and Frailty.
We strive at the Institute for Dementia and Ageing for all our activities, both Tender and Consultancy, to be impactful and the effects to reach far beyond the University. Our experience involving Enterprise and Knowledge Exchange activities emphasises the potential that impact can have in the real world in relation to changing behaviours and organisations in practice.
Effective Partnerships are essential to impactful outcomes and at the Institute for Dementia and Ageing we have been fortunate to work with a multitude of services across the sectors.
Hallé Orchestra

A collaboration between The Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing and the Hallé Orchestra, Greater Manchester engaged people living with dementia and those who support them in a monthly music making café. Now in its 162nd season and numbered amongst the world’s top symphonic ensembles, the Hallé continues to seek ways to collaborate with other Greater Manchester organisations. The Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing were our evaluating partners on this project due to their extensive experience in researching and evaluating dementia services. Until the covid pandemic lockdown restrictions, we were in full evaluation swing having enjoyed 7 of our 10 music-making sessions. The project had to conclude early from March 2020, and we collected the remainder of the data online. We are looking forward to when we can safely recommence our collaboration and upcoming projects. For more information visit Hallé Orchestra.

Aspire: for intelligent care and support have benefitted immensely from a number of collaborations with The Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing. Aspire is a large social care provider for people living with dementia and those with learning disabilities in Salford offering a number of services. See more about Aspire.
Aspire have had staff members seconded to the institute to work on public engagement at the Hub and we have also worked closely on a Young Onset Dementia study over three years. The young onset study provided insights to the lived experience of having a diagnosis of dementia at a younger age, peer support and how people themselves would like to be viewed regarding specific requirements beyond the standard dementia service provision.
People living with dementia attend both Humphrey Booth Resource Centre, an Aspire service, and the Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing Hub so there is a beneficial crossover of information and people with lived experience of dementia. The academic staff at the Hub have a vast array of specialist skills, knowledge and evaluation methods in all areas of social care and policy across many disciplines and subject areas.
Music In Hospitals & care

Music in Hospitals & Care is a charity that improves the health and wellbeing of children and adults through the healing power of live music. Every year, our professional musicians share live music with over 100,000 people from across the UK, who may not otherwise get to experience it. This includes those living with dementia, who have mental health problems, or who are seriously ill.
We partnered with the Salford Institute for Dementia and Ageing to evaluate this project because of their extensive experience in researching and evaluating dementia services. The project took place in 2019 at the Dementia and Ageing Hub on the University of Salford campus and involved our musicians sharing participatory live music with people living with dementia in the community each month. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Institute for Dementia and Ageing in the future. Would you like to see the people you support experience the benefits of live music? Find out how at the MIHC website.