Meet our recruitment tutors

visitors in an activity run by Salford Business School

Have a question about an undergraduate programme we offer? See below for the contact details of our Lead Recruitment Tutors who will be able to assist you. 


Business Management Lead Recruitment Tutor

Richard Bell
Email Address:

Contact for information regarding: 

BSc Business Management

BSc Business Management with Innovation and Technology

BSc Business with Supply Chain and Project Management

BSc International Business Management

BSc Business Management with Marketing

BSc Business Management with Sport

BSc Business Management with Human Resource Management

BSc Business Management with Entrepreneurship



Law Lead Recruitment Tutor

Sarah McNeil
Email Address:

Contact for information regarding:


LLB Law with Criminology

BSc Business Management with Law



Accounting and Finance Lead Recruitment Tutor

Geoff Evans portrait
Geoffry Evans
Email Address:

Contact for information regarding:

BSc Accounting and Finance

BSc Business Management with Finance

BSc Business Management with Economics