Day in the Life of Paul Waihumbu
Paul Waihumbu is studying Business and Management. Read about a typical day in Paul's life at Salford, his studies and what he does in his spare time.

How does your typical day start?
On the days I have a class at 9am, I start my day at 7 after snoozing the alarm a few times. Have a shower and get ready after my morning reflection routine. I then take the train from Victoria station to school and gladly so, for Salford happens to have a train station - saving time that would have been taken on other modes of transport.
What about lectures and seminars?
My Tuesday for instance starts with Service and Relationship Marketing. This module deals with how different businesses deal with customer service and the impact it has on customer loyalty and company revenue. It is interesting to learn about how different industries take the time to put thought into how best to treat a customer and to reflect on the various personal experiences we have had with different businesses and how that impacted whether we spent our money with them again or not.
Lunch time
For lunch, my classmates and I regularly go to Maxwell building to grab a sub from Subway, it is pretty convenient that they are on campus plus the area has sitting space to unwind after class and catch up.
And in the afternoon?
Some of my afternoon lectures include strategic management, where we discuss how companies plan long term goals to be better than their competitors. It is quite interesting to learn the ways companies strive to differentiate themselves in a world where so many things are competing for our attention. Such modules also help me reflect on certain principles I would want to use when I set up my own company.
What do you do in your spare time?
Being part of the University society Enactus Salford is rewarding as we strive to create social impact in the community around us. The University provides various ways for students to exert themselves in ways that fulfil them.
Wednesday has always been a good day, getting to play football for the University team and creating great bonds with the lads.
On nights that are not spent in the library or doing anything school related, I unwind through various social activities in Manchester with friends. For example, a great excuse to go eat out was the January 50% offer by the best restaurants in Manchester for the entire month.