A curriculum created with industry

Student using virtual reality equipment

The world of work moves quickly and businesses need managers who respond to change. As a student at Salford Business School, you will study a programme that is specifically designed to produce job-ready graduates with transferrable skills. Through our contacts, you will work closely with our industry partners on projects and briefs that will help you become an effective contributor from your very first day in the workplace.

Delivering relevant learning

Tutor with applicants

We aim to deliver industry relevant learning to every student in Salford Business School. Our programmes are designed by academic experts in the field, working with industry partners and students. This ensures that your educational experiences and qualifications are contemporary, interdisciplinary, relevant to the world of work, and respected and valued by employers.

What employers look for

We asked our industry contacts what they look for when employing graduates. Here’s some of the advice they gave:

Soft skills – the communication, the listening, the team working - are really, really key. Graduates need to demonstrate how they’ve acquired some soft skills whether that’s been undertaking a project or demonstrating time management.” Vivine Cameron, Education Partnerships Executive, The Chartered Insurance Institute

Organisations are constantly changing, the outside world is changing and it’s important to show how you can deal with that. How can you embrace and deal with change?” Sámi Ben-Ali, Senior Strategic Resourcing Manager, Wood PLC

We’re looking for graduates who can use figures and graphs to tell a story, to put a narrative to information that you want to put across.” Damian McCloud, Associate Director, Arup

Their input helps us to give you the skills you need.

Learn more about how industry has shaped our programmes.

Giving our students the edge

In the Macroeconomic Analysis module on year two of BSc Business and Economics, students produce an economic impact report on a local issue. 

In 2019 the brief was set by the Strategic Economic Growth Manager at Salford City Council. 

Working in small groups, students investigated issues of low productivity in Salford and the impact of technology on productivity in MediaCityUK. 

The report they produced formed part of Salford City Council’s productivity project. It also counted towards 75% of our students' second year assessment - and gave them excellent experience for their future careers.

Programmes developed with industry

Our programmes are developed in line with industry so that students' learning is up-to-date with employers' needs. Learn more about some of our programme development partners.

BSc Marketing

Naomi Timperley is co-founder of Tech North Advocates and an Honorary Industry Fellow at Salford Business School. She works with our programme team to provide real-world insight on BSc (Hons) Marketing and integrate examples from her experiences of working with businesses in the tech, digital and creative sectors.

BSc Business Management with Sport

Rob Porteous, Head of Marketing at Super League, has challenged students on BSc (Hons) Business Management with Sport to create a strategy to increase the number of students attending the Rugby League final in 2020.