Additional qualifications
Impress prospective employers and stand out when you enter the job market by gaining additional qualifications on top of your degree.
These qualifications show that you have the practical and professional skills needed to work effectively in the workplace. You can gain these as part of a course module, or by going to extra study sessions.
Six additional qualifications you can get
iDEA - This qualification will give you digital, enterprise and employability skills to help you secure your first job.
Excel - This qualification will help you get the most out of spreadsheets.
Sage - Learn how to use the popular tool effectively and increase your employability.
Bloomberg Market Concept - This two-day training course gives you a certificate that’s highly valued by employers in financial markets.
Minitab Statistic and Econometric Software - Learn how to unlock the value of data and develop solutions to business problems.
Lexis Nexis and Westlaw - Learn how to use the two most popular databases that professional lawyers refer to in their legal research.