Dr Manuel Hernandez Perez
School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies
Current positions
Associate Professor/Reader
Dr Manuel Hernández-Pérez is Reader / Associate Professor in Digital Media at the University of Salford, Manchester (UK). He holds a MSc in Psychology a PhD in Information Management and Communications Science by the University of Murcia (2013). He has been Lecturer in Digital Design at the University of Hull (UK) where he coordinated the programme in Game and Entertainment Studies (2015-2018). His research focus on Cultural Studies regarding Film, Game Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling. He is author of the monograph Manga and Anime, Cross Media Narratives (PUZ, 2017) and editor of Japanese Media Cultures in Japan and Abroad: Transnational Consumption of Manga, Anime, and Media-Mixes (MDPI, 2019). He has also contributed to research forums and published in top-ranking journals such as Sage Animation, Mass Media and Society or Journalism and Mass Communication Quartlerly.
+ Fellow from the United Kingdom Higher Education Academy.
+ Member: MECCSA, Mutual Images Research Association (MIRA)
Areas of Research
Currently, I’m interested in conducting research, which includes in engaging with collaborations and PhD supervisions, on the following topics:
+ Transmedia Narrative
+ Japanese Animation
+ Digital Storytelling
+ Research methods in Media Studies
+ Object based Media
+ Games Design
Areas of Supervision
Currently, I’m interested in conducting research, which includes in engaging with collaborations and PhD supervisions, on the following topics:
Transmedia Narratives
Cognitive approaches to Narrative
Storytelling in Game, XR and Immersive interfaces
Fictionality, Representation and National Branding
Japanese animation and anime traditions
Research methods in Media Studies
At this moment, I'm supervising the following PhD candidates:
Timur Slavgorodskii-Kazanets
Negar Niamaimandi
I have developed and taught digital media programmes at the University of Hull in UK (2013-2021) and Spain, at Catholic University of Valencia (2013)
Currently I deliver teaching on the following modules within the BA(Hons) Digital Media programme:
+ Designing for User Experience
+ Motion Design
+ Major Projects
PhD Information Sciences and Communications
2009 - 2013 -
Masters by Research - Neurosciences
2008 - 2009 -
Advertising and Public Relationships
2005 - 2006 -
2004 - 2006 -
1999 - 2004 -
Editor - Mutual Images Journal