Prof Jess Power

Professional Services

Photo of Prof Jess Power

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Jess Power

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Current positions

APVC Learning & Teaching Enhancement


APVC L&T Enhancement and Professor of Learning and Teaching at The University of Salford. She is the academic lead for the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre (LTEC). She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of The Textile Institute, Fellow of Chartered Management Institute, and a National Teaching Fellow (2016). Professor Power has over 20 years teaching experience and has contributed extensively to the development of learning and teaching innovation both in her subject discipline (fashion/textiles) and more widely across HE. She is an advocate for using evidenced based research approaches to make significant impact regionally, nationally and internationally. Jess has led a variety of internally and externally funded research projects and has published widely with over 100 national/international publications/keynotes. She is an experienced PHD/DBA supervisor and has examined widely nationally and internationally.

Jess is particularly interested in contributing to shaping the future of Higher Education through interdisciplinarity working. Her innovative approach bridges disciplines and has resulted in best practice models for integrating interdisciplinarity into learning and teaching. Her focus on interdisciplinarity has enabled her to transform the student experience by creating networks for individuals who share the common goal of transferring knowledge beyond the boundaries of their own disciplines, whilst developing employability and enterprising skills.

Jess holds the position of Honorary Secretary for The Textile Institute (the international professional body, active in over 90 different countries) and has previously served on the Publications Committee and Professional Accreditation Committee. This enables her to share sectoral knowledge by regularly mentoring overseas’ institutions in developing short commercial courses, thus enhancing industry standards. Her expertise and specialist knowledge spans both fashion and textiles and crosses into other disciplines (health, engineering, education and business). This is evidenced through her sustained publication portfolio which demonstrates high quality research with impact for the commercial and wider HE sector. Further to this she is an Associate of the Entrepreneurial Leaders Programme and part of the Leadership Committee for the Group for Learning in Art and Design (GLAD). This is a national group promoting and supporting pedagogic good practice within the art and design sector).

Her recent projects have formed blueprints for innovation and have been widely disseminated through a series of high profile case studies and have been nationally and internationally recognised as good practice.

Currently Jess is leading a small team of Academic Developers and Learning Technologists within the University of Salford's Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre.

Areas of Research

Pedagogical evidence based evaluation using active research techniques to promote employability and skill development within higher education, Clothing size and fit including the evaluation of shaped knitwear, anthropometrical measurements, general garment sizing and 3D garment simulation, The investigation of high performance clothing, specifically focusing on the objective measurement and subjective assessment of advanced textile materials.

Areas of Supervision

Pedagogical evidence based evaluation using active research techniques to promote employability and skill development within higher education, Clothing size and fit including the evaluation of shaped knitwear, anthropometrical measurements, general garment sizing and 3D garment simulation, The investigation of high performance clothing, specifically focusing on the objective measurement and subjective assessment of advanced textile materials.

Qualifications and Recognitions

  • Master of Business Administration

    2014 - 2016
  • PGCE Higher Education.

    2003 - 2005
  • Ph.D. Textiles.

    2001 - 2004
  • M.A. Fashion and Textiles

    1997 - 1999
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Knitwear Design & Production

    1993 - 1996