Dr Grainne Gordon

School of Science, Engineering & Environment

Image of Dr Grainne Gordon coming soon

Current positions



I graduated from the University of Northumbria with a degree in politics. I worked in the voluntary sector for many years running women’s groups, and I trained as a counsellor and gained a BACP accredited diploma. Later I worked in public health before returning to education to complete my MSc in Transport Engineering and Planning at the University of Salford. Following this I pursued a PhD developing a statistical model to explain the different patterns of bicycle use in the UK. For this work I liaised with both the Department for Transport and the sustainable transport charity ‘Sustrans’. After completing my PhD, I worked as a lecturer and a researcher before returning to the University of Salford to teach on the MSc Transport Engineering and Planning and the final year of the BSc/B(Eng)/M(Eng) in Civil Engineering. I am currently programme leader for the MSc Transport and also module leader for the Dissertation module as well as Traffic Engineering: Analysis and Road Safety.

Areas of Research

Statistical analysis of levels of UK cycling over time
Cycling infrastructure
Impact of pollution from traffic
Integrated public transport systems
Walking infrastructure


Cycling infrastructure
Highway design
Environmental impact of traffic noise
Link and junction design
Roundabout design using ARCADY (Junctions 10)
Traffic signal design including Linsig
Road Safety
Traffic calming and street design