Dr Godwin Ebiloma

School of Science, Engineering & Environment

Photo of Dr Godwin Ebiloma

Current positions

Lecturer in Biochem & Pharmaceutical Sc


Godwin Ebiloma is a graduate of Biochemistry from Kogi State University (2006), and obtained his Master Degree in Biochemistry with distinction from the Ahmadu Bello University in 2009. He was employed by the department of biochemistry, Kogi State University, as Graduate Assistant in the year 2009, before rising to the rank of Lecturer in 2010. He obtained a PhD in Infection and Immunity (focusing on Parasite Biochemistry and Pharmacology) from the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, at the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow in 2017 through a PhD scholarship which was supported by MacRobertson travel fellowship. He also carry out part of his PhD research at the laboratory of Prof Kita Kiyoshi at the University of Tokyo. Following his graduation in 2017, he worked briefly as a Research Associate at Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences in the laboratory of Prof David Watson before moving to Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) in the same year to accept a postdoctoral research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). At KIT he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the laboratory of Prof S. Harada and Prof T. Shiba (2017-2019). He returned to the UK in 2019 to accept a lecturing role offered by Teesside University, and left as a Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry in September 2023 for the University of Salford. Godwin’s research background and training span the areas of Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Parasitology, Medicinal chemistry, and Pharmacology.

Areas of Research

Dr Ebiloma's present research theme focus at identifying parasite-specific molecular targets for drug and vaccine development especially against those causing some of the neglected tropical diseases. These include various protozoan parasites such as Trypanosoma, Plasmodium, and Leishmania. On the sideline, he also conducts research on natural products for drug discovery; and bee pathogens. Some of the techniques/skills frequently employed in his research include cutting-edge molecular biology techniques, basic and advanced microscopy, FACS analysis, in vitro tissue culture techniques, in vivo animal handling and disease models, metabolomics, protein isolation purification and chemistry, protein x-ray crystallography, bacterial engineering for protein overproduction, microbial culture techniques, and isolation of compounds from natural sources. His pedagogic research interest focused on effective approaches for reducing the gap in achievement between disadvantaged and advantaged students. This research focuses on four domains of principal influence: instruction, curriculum interpretation, assessment, and community involvement.

Areas of Supervision

Dr Ebiloma is happy to welcome self-funded PhD candidates with their own ideas. However, the following projects are available in his lab:

1. Investigating The Effects of Fungi and Plants Secondary Metabolite on Plasmodium Critical Cell Signaling Proteins.

2. Aiding and abetting: The role of ectophospatases in parasite-host interactions and drug resistance in the animal pathogens Trypanosoma congolense, T. equiperdum, T. evansi, and T. vivax.

3. Investigating the molecular drivers of drug transport and resistance in Non-Tsetse Transmitted Animal Trypanosomes (NTTAT).

4. Leishmania DNA replication and repair enzymes as drug targets for leishmaniasis treatment.

5. The antimicrobial properties of propolis against the drug sensitive and resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

6. Understanding the relationship between propolis composition and colony microbiome using spectroscopy and metagenomics approaches.


Dr Ebiloma is currently leading the Level 5 Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry.

He also teaches on, or contribute to the following modules:
- Frontiers in Drug Design (Level 6)
- Pharmacology (Level 5)
- Introductory Biochemistry (Level 4)

Qualifications and Recognitions

  • Infection and Immunity

    2013 - 2017