Dr Gill Rawlinson

School of Health & Society

Photo of Dr Gill Rawlinson

Known as

Gill Rawlinson

Contact Details

PO39 Brain Blatchford Building ,
University of Salford

Current positions

Director of Allied & Public Health


Gill is the Director of Allied and Public Health Directorate in the School of Health and Society and part of the School executive leadership team. This includes responsibility for six subject areas; Diagnostic Radiography, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Public health and Physiotherapy.

Gill qualified as a physiotherapist in 1997 and for many years held a portfolio career working clinically and in Higher Education. Gill has extensive experience in leadership and teaching and learning in Higher education a multi-professional rehabilitation sciences team after many years as a senior lecturer developing and delivering pre and post registration programmes.

Gill has a keen interest in allied health professional (AHP) workforce development, curriculum design and delivery, diversity and inclusion and service improvement. In 2017 Gill undertook a two-year national clinical AHP fellowship at Health Education England where she led multiple projects around AHP supply and careers development.

Gill also maintained a clinical role until recently as an MSK advanced practitioner at Salford Royal NHS Trust. She has a passion for public health and led an award-winning service public health service redesign at the Trust, embedding NHS health checks and diabetes checks into the MSK physiotherapy service. She has a PhD exploring adherence and behaviour change within MSK physiotherapy.
Her research interests include communication skills, Allied Health professional practice, musculoskeletal, physiotherapy, teaching and learning, adherence, behavior change, COM-B model.

Areas of Research

Physiotherapy , behavior change, adherence, public health, AHP and healthcare workforce development , qualitative methods, collaborative online international learning


Principal Fellow Higher Education Academy