Dr David Tsiklauri
School of Science, Engineering & Environment
Dr David Tsiklauri, PhD in Physics, University of Cape Town, 1996, has 85 refereed publications, Web of Science H-index of 25, Google scholar h-index of 29.
* 04/2024-up-today, University of Salford, UK.
* 09/2009-03/2024, Queen Mary University of London.
* 11/2003-08/2009, University of Salford, UK.
* 10/2000-11/2003, University of Warwick, UK.
* 10/1999-10/2000, Iowa State University, USA.
* 10/1998-10/1999, Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
* 01/1997-09/1998, University of Cape Town, RSA.
His High Performance Computing (HPC) work has been supported by STFC, Leverhulme Trust, and Nuffield Foundation.
Dr Tsiklauri is a recipient of high-profile prizes such as the Royal Astronomical Society's Fowler Award for Geophysics 2009 and Group Achievement Award for Geophysics, as a member of the UK MHD Consortium 2013. In 2016 he won Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Guest Researcher Award at Toyama University. In 2019 he won Award from Institute for Space–Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Joint Research Program at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
DT has led international research collaborations and attracted external funds;
DT has 20+ years experience of leading an independent research group;
DT has experience in departmental and his research group’s administrative work.
DT supervised 5 Postdocs and 5 PhD students (5 successfully graduated with PhD each publishing 3-5 refereed journal papers) and numerous MSc and final year undergraduate student projects (3-5 annually).
Areas of Research
Computational Plasma Physics, Solar Physics, Space Physics, Fluid Flow In Porous Media
DT has substantial teaching experience [at Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Reader/Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) levels] and developed new courses in astrophysics, astronomy, special and general relativity (with full tensor calculus), plasma physics, particle physics in undergraduate year 3 and MSci (4th year), as well as continuous assessment, computational physics and physics laboratory courses in undergraduate years 1 and 2. In mathematics, DT has taught Calculus III, Introduction to Mathematical Computing, Complex Variables, Dynamics of Physical Systems. DT has also taught extensively plasma astrophysics at graduate (PhD level) STFC summer schools in UK. DT was a program leader for Physics with Astrophysics/Space Technology at University of Salford (in Manchester, UK) for 6 years and also taught on Queen Mary's Physics with Astrophysics programs for 12 years.