Dr Christina Buckingham
School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies
New Adelphi Building
The Crescent
Greater Manchester
M5 4BR
United Kingdom
Current positions
University Fellow
Christina has both academic and commercial experience in developing and researching informal learning and engagement experiences for children and young families. She has worked with a range of heritage and third-sector clients including The Postal Museum, the Canal & River Trust and the Royal Collection Trust. Her specific interests include interactive interpretation design linked to industrial heritage, STEM and environmental sustainability to support access, engagement and life-long learning.
Her PhD centred on collaborative practice research with the Science and Industry Museum and a project that involved the exploration of family-friendly exhibition interpretation design connected to steam engine science.
Christina is looking to continue her research into the field of purposeful play and participatory approaches to interpretation design. She is particularly interested in the social impact of positive engagement with heritage and culture and its ability to create a sense of place and community connection.
Areas of Research
Heritage interpretation design; Informal learning; Play; Human-centred design innovation; Socially Responsible Design (SRD); Design engagement.
2019 - 2024 -
PGCert Research Skills
2007 - 2008 -
MA Interactive Multimedia
2006 - 2007 -
PG Cert E-learning
2005 - 2006 -
BA (Hons) Interactive Multimedia
2000 - 2004