Dr Antonio Torija Martinez

School of Science, Engineering & Environment

Photo of Dr Antonio Torija Martinez

Contact Details

1st Floor Newton Building, Room 109
University of Salford,
Manchester M5 4WT
+44(0) 161 295 0400

Current positions



Dr Torija Martinez is a Reader in Acoustical Engineering at the University, and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton. In 2010, he obtained his PhD in Environmental Acoustics from the University of Granada (Spain), and in 2012 he was awarded a prestigious Marie Curie EU Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dr Torija Martinez is an internationally recognised researcher with an excellent track record in the development of Perception-Driven Engineering tools to address noise issues of e-mobility and decarbonization. He has published widely in world-leading peer-reviewed journals, including Nature.

Since joining at Salford in 2019, he has secured research grants funded by EPSRC, Innovate UK and Horizon Europe with a total value of >£2.5M. He is a Human Response and Metrics expert in the NASA Urban Air Mobility Noise Working Group, and UK representative in the Joint ISO/TC 20/SC 16 - ISO/TC 43/SC 1 WG: Noise measurements for UAS (Unmanned Aircraft systems). Dr Torija Martinez is member of the EPSRC Engineering Early Career Forum, and UKAN+ EC Champion in Manufacturing and Transport.

Areas of Research

My interdisciplinary research focuses on developing Perception-Driven Engineering tools to address noise issues of e-mobility and decarbonization, contributes to excellence in acoustic research, and aligns strongly with the University Innovation Strategy. My research on drone noise has been featured by the University as an example of ‘Emerging Areas of Global Leadership and Excellence (EAGLEs)’ for the priority ‘Accelerating Areas of Global Leadership’.

In 2012, I was the recipient of a prestigious 3-year EU Framework 7 Programme Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (ref: 246550) on soundscape modelling and assessment. I have five awards for my excellent contributions to Acoustics, including the Andres Lara Award from the Spanish Society of Acoustics.

I believe that it is imperative to put users at the centre of engineering decisions to ensure responsible innovation acceptable to the general public. Since joining the University of Salford, I have led research initiatives to develop tools to aid perceptually driven acoustic design of e-mobility to blend into the soundscape. Demonstrating the potential of my leading research, acoustics of e-mobility systems is now one of the strategic priorities of the Acoustics Research Centre.

I am an internationally recognised expert in bridging the gap between engineering and noise perception. Examples of this are my well-established collaborations with NASA, Virginia Tech, TU Delft, University of Bristol and University of Cambridge to understand the interdependencies between noise perception, aerodynamics and turbomachinery design. My research and views as expert have featured in specialised magazines (e.g. Aerospace America, New Scientist, The Conversation) and mass media (e.g. The Guardian).

I am currently the Principal Investigator in several research projects funded by IUK, EPSRC, Horizon Europe, and industry. I am regularly invited to present my research, for instance at events organised by NASA (Acoustics Technical and UAM Noise working groups meeting), Penn State University (Center for Acoustics and Vibration workshop), UKAN+ and Institute of Acoustics.

I am:

• Member of the NASA Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Noise Working group, where I am collaborating to establish test methodologies and facilities for a worldwide study on human response to UAM noise.
• UK representative in the Joint ISO/TC 20/SC 16 - ISO/TC 43/SC 1 WG, working on the development of a standard for noise measurements for UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems).
• Member of the EPSRC Early Career Engineering Forum, engaging with peers across the UK’s engineering landscape to share ideas and define innovative approaches for common research problems.
• Member of the Institute of Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America and International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration. Also, member of the Virtual Acoustic Simulation Technology for Community Noise technical group.

Areas of Supervision

Acoustics, Environmental Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Perception-driven Engineering, Transportation Noise, Aircraft Noise, Advanced Air Mobility Noise, Noise Modelling, Noise Measurement, Community Noise Impact.


Teaching in Acoustic Engineering and Environmental Acoustics modules