Mr Adam Fowler
School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies
Current positions
Senior Lecturer
I gained my first teaching qualification, a PGCE (Distinction), in 1987 and taught in Scotland, Chicago and the Falkland Islands before entering freelance journalism. I have spent over 30 years as a radio producer making hundreds of long-form documentaries, mostly for BBC Radio 4, with a brief stint teaching radio at the University of Stirling between 1998 and 2001. For the last 13 years I have been Co-Director of Overtone Productions and have won many audio awards in the UK and internationally. I began teaching sound design, radio and podcasting modules at the University of Salford in 2018 and successfully completed my PGCAP in 2023 when I also gained my promotion to Senior Lecturer. I took on the role of Chair of Taught Ethics for the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies in 2020.
Areas of Research
Podcasting Pedagogy: Almost as a byproduct of the teaching of technical, editorial and production skills, I have observed increased engagement levels when students are asked to deliverer critical evaluations and self-reflections as podcasts rather than essays. I feel that the benefits, including inclusivity, accessibility and equity of opportunity; can be replicated in any academic discipline, not just media-related programmes. To that end, I am keen to demonstrate how to facilitate podcasting activities including formative and summative assessments and to develop ways of empirically capturing increased engagement and inclusivity.
I module-lead and teach four modules: Podcasting and Radio Features (L5), Advanced Podcasting and Radio Features (L6), Creative Audio (L5) and Advanced Creative Audio (L6.) After developing these for five years, I have enhanced student engagement and participation. I also supervise Final Year Project students on the podcasting, radio documentary, and sound design options. I contribute occasional part-lectures for the theory module: Media Texts which has enriched my own pedagogy and informed my thoughts on future professional development and career. I am keen to further develop my collaborations with colleagues who teach the theory side of audio, radio and podcasting.
I am liaising with the University of Salford's Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre to develop a theoretical underpinning of my “Podcasting for Engagement and Assessment” ideas, as presented at the 2023 LTEC Festival. This with a view to collaborating with academics across the university to incorporate podcasting into their teaching and their students’ learning, particularly from an EDI perspective.
I have an interest in co-creation with students. My current L6 Advanced Creative Audio module was co-created by the students when they were participating in the L5 Creative Audio module.
Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice
2022 - 2023 -
Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Primary)
1986 - 1987 -
Bachelor of Arts Degree
1979 - 1982