Countdown to September as a Postgraduate Student

Maxwell Building exterior, University of Salford

The next few months will pass quickly and before you know it, it will be time to make the big move to Salford! As there are a lot of tasks for you to complete in a short space of time, we’ve put this important information together, so you know what you need to do.

Your Welcome Week and Induction begins on Monday 9 September and teaching starts on Monday 16 September.

Please read the below information carefully, to help you have a smooth start to your new life at Salford:

How to get started at Salford

Below is a checklist of things you need to do before you can enrol at the University of Salford. We will send you more information soon about how to register and get settled in, but for now, make sure you get your visa and accommodation sorted and prepare your travel plans. 

  • Apply for your Visa as soon as you have your CAS
  • Book your accommodation
  • Book your travel to arrive in time to complete Check-in on campus before Welcome and Induction Week starts
  • Start online registration
  • Book your Check-in Appointment
  • Pack your essential documents and belongings and travel to the UK if you aren't already here
  • Collect your biometric residence permit (BRP) within 10 days of arriving in the UK
  • Attend your Check-in appointment face-to-face on our campus
  • Pay your tuition fees in full to get a 3% discount or set up a payment plan
  • Complete online registration by filling in your personal details
  • Access your university learning systems
  • Join your on-campus Welcome Week starting from Monday 9 September

Get ready to learn

As you make the jump to postgraduate study, our academic support team are here to help you develop the skills and confidence you’ll need to succeed in your studies, now and at each stage of your university journey.

Whether you want to improve your writing or communication skills, develop your digital capabilities, find information for your assignments, brush up on your maths, or get into good study habits, you'll find a flexible range of support.

You can access eLearning online anytime, anyplace. Topics include learning at university, preparing for assessments, referencing, and much more. We run free online and on-campus workshops on a wide range of topics throughout the year, and if you need more specialist support you can book an individual appointment with one of the team.

If English isn’t your first language, Learn English for Academic Purposes (LEAP) offers a range of free online workshops, help and support that you can benefit from while you study. Check out the video below to discover more about LEAP.

Visit our skills website to learn more about academic support at the University of Salford.

International students attending LEAP

Advice from our students

"Attend your academic induction as it will provide crucial information about your course and resources. Also organise your schedule to keep track of classes, assignments and deadlines."

- Idris Olufemi Olayiwola, MA Public Relations & Digital Communications

Accommodation and settling in

If you haven't already found your accommodation, we recommend doing this as soon as possible.

You can visit our accommodation page for more advice and to see some available rooms in the local area.

You can also find more support for finding private accommodation.

Keep in touch

We will be sending you a digital welcome guide at the end of July to give you more information about how to get started at Salford, so keep checking your emails.

Join our official Facebook group to find and chat with your future course mates and ask any questions you have about starting university. You can follow us on Instagram, FacebookTikTok, and X for the latest news from our campus.

You can also contact our Enquiries team with any questions you may have by emailing or calling +44 (0)161 295 4545.

Useful contact details

askUS Student Services

askUS are currently available to contact by phone, email or via live chat on their website 10:00-16:00 (UK time) Monday to Friday

Enquiries and Admissions

Our Recruitment team is currently available to contact by phone, email or live chat from 10:00-16:00 (UK time) Monday to Friday


Our security team are available for advice and assistance 24 hours a day, please call +44 (0)161 295 4773.

Call our switchboard

Not sure which team you should talk to? Call our switchboard on +44 0161 295 5000 and they'll direct you to the right person.