Single Module Level 7

Leg Ulcer Management (Level 7, 30 credits)




One semester

Next enrolment

September 2024


In a nutshell

On this module you will engage in the development of a systematic understanding of knowledge and a critical awareness of current practice issues within leg ulcer management.


You will:

  • gain an advanced understanding of evidence based leg ulcer management
  • advance your own professional knowledge and skills
  • develop skills to optimise patient outcomes in relation to leg ulcer management
Course details

All about the course

Through completing this module, you will: 

  • Develop a deep and systematic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the lower leg and epidemiology and aetiology of leg ulceration.
  • Develop assessment skills that consider the biological, psychological, social factors and relevant diagnostic investigations which inform clinical decision making in leg ulcer management.
  • Compare, contrast and critique current developments in the management of leg ulcers.
  • Identify, critically appraise, and synthesize the legal and professional issues within leg ulcer management to ensure professional, accountable practice.
  • Critically analyse the factors that influence patient concordance with treatment and aftercare, suggesting strategies for improving quality of life.

Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

What will I be doing?

Within the module you should expect to receive:

  • 21 hours direct teaching using lectures, seminars and simulation.
  • 9 hours indirect teaching using group discussion, reflections on practice and industry led workstations
  • 10 hours tutorials to receive support for your assessment.
  • 260 hours self-directed study from resources on the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment, books and articles from the library, and links to videos and national/international policies.

Seminars will enable you to develop systematic knowlegde and understanding of the key concepts, theories and evidence base in order to focus your individual learning on the assessment and management of leg ulcers. The sessions will be interactive and encourage enquiry and critical thinking. 

Simulation will be offered with the use of simulated leg ulcer wounds to allow the integration of theory to its practical exploration, providing an opportunity for practical skill development, group discussions, peer review, and collaborative working. 

Individual tutorials will be timetabled through the module to provide formative feedback.

Reflection in and on practice and professional development planning to enable critical enquiry and critical thinking.

VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) material will be used for independent and flexible learning.


The theoretical assessment for this module comprises of an Observed Structured Clincal Examination (OSCE). You will have 45 minutes to undertake a systematic assessment, make a definitive diagnosis and offer treatment for a simulated patient who presents with a leg ulcer. You will then have a 15 minute viva where you will defend the assessment and diagnostic investigations you undertook and explore how they informed your clinical decision making and treatment and aftercare offered.

The School of Health and Society

The School of Health and Society is a forward-thinking, dynamic school with a commitment to lifelong learning and real world impact.

Our courses are informed by the latest research and we work closely with organisations from both the public and private sector to ensure our teaching is at the forefront of practice.

Employment and stats

What about after uni?

Students who choose to study the Leg Ulcer Management Module do so because they are either currently working or are considering a career as:

  • Tissue Viability Link Nurse
  • Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist
  • Community nurse (adult, CYP, MH)
  • Surgical nurse (adult, CYP)
  • Nurse working on accident and emergency (adult, CYP, MH)
  • Nurse working in level 3 and 4 critical care (adult, CYP)
  • Nurse working with patient who regularly self-harm (adult, MH, CYP)
  • Nurse advisor for a wound care/mattress/seating company
  • Registered nurses who wish to set up a service in their locality, place of work i.e MH Wound Clinic, Nursing Home Lead Role.
  • Podiatrists looking to expand wound care   knowledge.

Career Links

The module links with industry partners from dressings, diagnostics, compression bandaging and compression hosiery.

We work with over 100 health and social care organisations so our links with industry are very strong. These relationships will be of direct benefit to you because our academic team work in practice in some of these organisations at a senior level so are able to keep you at the forefront of developments in the sector which in turn help you provide a better service.


What you need to know

This module is aimed at students who have a genuine interest in the field of Tissue Viability and Leg Ulcer Management and wish to progress this knowledge to be able to make informed decisions about the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of the service they provide.


    Entry requirements

    Previous study and experience

    You should be a registered nurse, healthcare professional (OT, Physiotherapy, Podiatry), medical staff or a nurse/industry advisor. 

    You will need to demonstrate evidence of studying at Level 6 on an undergraduate degree or equivalent. 

    Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

    We welcome applications from students who may not have formal/traditional entry criteria but who have relevant experience or the ability to pursue the course successfully.

    The Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) process could help you to make your work and life experience count. The APL process can be used for entry onto courses or to give you exemptions from parts of your course.

    Two forms of APL may be used for entry: the Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) or the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).

    How much?

    Type of study Year Fees
    Part-time 2024/25 £1,470 per 30 credit module
    Part-time 2025/26 £1,530 per 30 credit module

    Additional costs

    You should also consider further costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

    Apply now

    All set? Let's apply

    Enrolment dates

    September 2024

    February 2025

    September 2025