City West Housing Trust. Providing a platform to manage a housing portfolio.

THINKLab - City West Housing Trust

City West Housing Trust is a not-for-profit organisation owning over 14, 600 homes in the North West. It has a ‘can do, will do’ approach to its work and is proud of its success in making significant improvements in the communities it serves.

The company was looking into ways of working more efficiently and asked us to explore the possibility of linking up its separate, legacy databases into a single property management platform.

Our Solution

We created a single web based platform that linked all their databases and integrated this with an interactive visual interface allowing users to explore assets in a much more intelligent manner. Publicly available data was also added to the platform providing a unified data space for visualisation and exploration.

Using the intelligence hidden within data, our solution provided City West Housing Trust with the ability to plan their property maintenance programs more efficiently while providing more insight into tenants’ needs.