Problems Paying your Fees
If you think you may have a problem paying your tuition fees it is really important that you speak to somebody as early as possible. The sooner we know there is a problem then the sooner the staff who are trained to help and advise you can do this.
- The Income & Treasury Management Team should be your first point of call if you have a problem. They can be contacted on +44 (0)161 295 0023 (option 2, option 1), by e-mailing or by going to the payment counter in University House.
- askUS has trained Finance Advisers who can be contacted on +44 (0)161 295 0023 (option 2, option 3), by emailing We also provide information about budgeting and additional financial help.
Please note that failure to keep up with instalments may result in your student status being cancelled and you will be asked to leave your course. You will also not be permitted to register into the next year of your course or to graduate. Failure to pay your fees may result in your debt being passed to an external agency for collection and could ultimately result in a County Court Judgement (CCJ) being issued against you.
International students
This may affect your stay in the United Kingdom as you will no longer be complying with the conditions of your visa. The University is required to report back to the Home Office any visa holders who are no longer studying with the University. This means that the Home Office may withdraw your study visa and request your removal from the United Kingdom.
Please note that all students can only be reinstated once the remaining fees owed have been paid in full.