Interruptions, Transfers and Withdrawals

If, for any reason, you are thinking about leaving your programme or wish to temporarily pause or interrupt your studies, we are keen to discuss this with you. In the first place, you should talk to your personal tutor or your programme leader. In addition, please contact askUS as we have trained advisers who can help with all types of financial, personal and emotional issues.

It could be that we can help you with your problem or advise you where you can access relevant help or support.

If you wish to notify us that you are thinking about interrupting or withdrawing, you will need to complete the online form available on the Student Self-Service Portal.

It is very important that you consider your situation carefully. The following information is provided to help you understand some of the potential implications.

When you return from an interruption of study, you will be required to re-register and will then sign up for the Academic Regulations as well as the programme and module specifications in force at the time you resume studies.

Access to services when on interruption

As we are keen for you to be able to stay in contact with us whilst you are on your interruption, you will still have access to your student email account during this period. In addition to this, you are still welcome to contact your Programme Leader and/or Personal Tutor for any advice or guidance whilst you are on an interruption.

You will also have access to all relevant University buildings, including the Library.

You can continue to receive assistance from askUS and Wellbeing and Counselling, as well as access to advice and information from Careers and Enterprise.


If you want or need to interrupt your studies and would either prefer to continue your tenancy while you interrupt or to end your tenancy, the first thing you need to do once your interruption is agreed in principle with the University is to contact your landlord/agent to discuss it with them. In most cases if you want to stay and your behaviour as a tenant has been good, the landlord will be happy for you to stay.  

If you would like to leave, a large student accommodation provider will often be sympathetic to this, especially if you provide a letter from the University to confirm that you are interrupting (you can contact askUS to request this). Other landlords may or may not be willing to release you from your contract.

If you want to leave, your landlord may release you immediately or may require you to pay a portion of your rent and some administrative fees.  If you have met all the conditions of your tenancy then your deposit should be returned to you in full.  If you are in financial hardship, you can speak with a Money Adviser to see if there is any assistance they can give you.

If you are asked to find a replacement tenant before leaving, try utilising trusted student networks, forums, websites and bulletin boards to advertise your room. Also, consider social media platforms and university groups where potential tenants are likely to search.

Financial implications

Your fees will be recalculated up to the point of your agreed last date of attendance in line with the Key Facts about Fees document. For taught programmes students, if you interrupt after Academic Week 20, you will be charged the full tuition fee for that academic year. For Postgraduate Research students, if you interrupt after month 8, you will be liable for the full fee for the academic year.

If your tuition fees are being funded through the Student Finance, the recalculation is done slightly differently depending on how you are funded.

Financial implications
Student Finance

If you receive your funding from Student Finance England, you are permitted to interrupt your study without incurring any tuition fees up to the end of Academic Week 2. If you interrupt after Academic Week 2, tuition fees payable are recalculated according to three liability periods. At each period a percentage of the tuition fee is paid by the Student Loans Company to the University on the following basis:

  • Second week of October (25%)
  • Second week of January (50%)
  • Second week of April (100%)

As soon as you reach a liability period you will be charged for the whole of that period. For example, if you interrupt your study on 30 October, you will incur 25% of the fee (this will apply to all students who interrupt before the second liability is reached in January, when the fee incurred  will  be  50%). The University will notify Student Finance of the dates of interruption and of the revised fee amount.

Maintenance loans and other grants awarded by Student Finance England are also recalculated up to your agreed last date of attendance. However, the University has no involvement in the administration, repayment or reassessment of these payments or calculations. It is strongly advised that you contact Student Finance  England to discuss the financial implications before submitting an interruption request.


If you are a self-funding taught student, you are permitted to interrupt your study without incurring tuition fees up to the end of Academic Week 2. Tuition fees are recalculated on a weekly pro rata basis for taught students and monthly for Postgraduate Research students according to the following formula:

Weekly Charges

Fee divided by 30 (i.e. standard number of weeks in an academic year) multiplied by the number of weeks registered on course. e.g. Student paying £6,000 annual fee interrupts in Academic Week 10: (£6,000/30) x 10 = £2,000 fee incurred.

Monthly Charges

Fee divided by 12 multiplied by number of months (or partial months) registered. e.g. Student paying £6,000 fee interrupts in Academic Month 3: (£6,000/12) x 3 = £1,500 fee incurred


If you are interrupting and receive sponsorship for your studies, your fees will be recalculated the same way as for self-funding students. The sponsor will be notified of any outstanding credit or debit balances.

Scholarships, Bursaries and Other Discounts

Any discounts offered directly by the University will be recalculated pro rata on the same basis as the tuition fees up to the agreed last date of attendance.

Returning from Interruption

When returning from an interruption of study you will need to re-register and will be subject to payment of any outstanding fees at the point of your return. You will also be charged fees for any study to be repeated. Any scholarships, bursaries and other discounts will be reapplied commensurate with the fees.

If you are funded by Student Finance, we will send a notification advising you that you are re-registered. Any part of an academic year attended counts as a full year of funding, however, funded students are generally entitled to one year of funding in addition to the length of their course. For example, if you're studying a regular 3-year undergraduate degree, you may be entitled to a fourth year of funding. This is dependent on you not having had prior study and is given entirely at the discretion of Student Finance. It is recommended that you contact Student Finance to discuss your eligibility for this additional year of funding.

Pregnancy and illness

If you suffer from a long term illness or require maternity leave during pregnancy/after giving birth and are unable to continue with studies we strongly advise that you interrupt studies and, if an international student, leave the UK and return to your programme when you are able to focus on your studies. If you are unable to travel, we advise you contact the Home Office Compliance Team. This will enable us to discuss your options with you and help you to protect your immigration status.

Transferring university

If you are transferring from Salford, you may need to apply for your future studies through UCAS. Depending on your last date of attendance, your tuition fee charge will be calculated in line with the tuition fee policy.

Transferring university
Visa implications of an Interruption

Depending on your course of study, UK legislation allows different amounts of total time to study at different levels:

  • Below degree level: 2 years
  • Undergraduate degree and Masters combined: 5 years 11 months (including wrap up time)
  • Postgraduate Research: 8 years

Interruptions and Withdrawals Policy

Research interruptions process 

The UK legislation and University of Salford regulations for interruptions are summarised in the following table:

  Level 3, Undergraduate or Taught Postgraduate  Postgraduate Research 
Interruptions of 59 days or less 


You can either:

  1. Surrender your visa and leave the UK as soon as possible 1. If you do not do this, the time of the interruption will not count towards the total time to study at that level (see above). 


  1. Choose to retain your visa and stay in the UK. You will have to maintain contact with the University 2. Also, the time of the interruption will count towards the total time to study at that level (see above). You should only choose this option if you are confident you can complete your studies in the time available. 
Not permitted under the University’s regulations 
Interruptions of 60 days to 89 days 


The University will withdraw sponsorship and you will have to leave the UK as soon as possible 1. You will have to apply for a new visa when you return. 

Not permitted under the University’s regulations 
Interruptions of 90 days or more 


The University will withdraw sponsorship and you will have to leave the UK as soon as possible 1. You will have to apply for a new visa when you return. 


The University will withdraw sponsorship and you will have to leave the UK within 28 days 1. You will have to apply for a new visa when you return. 


1In exceptional circumstances such as where you or your dependent is unable to travel due to health reasons you (and if applicable, your dependent) would have to apply to the Home Office for an alternative visa such as Further Leave to Remain. If you are unable to travel, we advise you make contact with the Home Office Compliance Team. This will enable us to discuss your options with you and help you to protect your immigration status. In these circumstances you may wish to speak to a specialist Immigration Solicitor, these can be found through Search for an Immigration Advisor.

Leaving the UK and providing evidence

Once you have considered the above and you have taken an interruption, you will be expected to leave the UK as soon as possible (unless option A above applies). You will receive an email from the Home Office Compliance Team informing you that you should leave the UK within 28 days and provide evidence of your exit. This can be:

  • An E-ticket/reservation/booking confirmation and
    • An entry stamp from when you arrive in your home Country or an e-gate receipt; or
    • The boarding card or screen shot of your digital boarding pass; or
    • A Luggage tag from your checked baggage

Send the above to the Home Office Compliance Team:

Returning from interruption

When you are ready to return from Interruption you will need to complete the following actions. Please note you will only be able to do this after you have provided evidence that you have left the UK.

  • Request a new Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number. The CAS request form will be sent to you on receipt of your exit evidence.  CAS requests can take up to five working days to process on receipt of all the required information from you.
  • Apply for your visa after receiving your CAS
  • Return to the UK to re-register for your course