Clearing Interviews for Health and Society
Meeting our applicants is one of the best parts of our jobs as admissions tutors in the School of Health and Society. During Clearing we are running face-to-face, online or telephone interviews depending on the course for which you have applied.
To find out what you need to do, we have put together some course specific guidance below as well as some useful FAQs to help you take the next steps in your application process.
Select your course
BSc (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy (Professional Practice) (B9C8)
What do I need to do?
Attend an online interview.
How do I access my online interview?
Your interview will take place online via Microsoft Teams. We will send you a confirmation email with the date, time and link of your interview.
Please try to join at least five minutes before the scheduled start time.
What do I need to have ready for my online interview?
You will need to produce your photo ID during your individual interview, so please make sure you have this with you.
You will not need to show us your certificates at the interview stage; we only examine certificates for those students who are made an offer post interview. We have put together a video with helpful tips on how to prepare for your online interview.
What will happen at my online interview?
You will take part in an individual interview which will take approximately 25 minutes. You will be interviewed by one member of academic staff.
What happens after I have completed my interview?
As soon as you have completed your interview, your scores will be reviewed by the Admissions Tutor. We aim to give you a decision as soon as possible and this decision will be communicated to you directly.
We do urge you not to share the interview process with other applicants as you will be putting them at an advantage over your own application.
Further information can be found in the FAQs below.
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography (B821)
What do I need to do?
Attend an online interview.
How do I access my online interview?
Your interview will take place online via Microsoft Teams. We will send you a confirmation email with the date, time and link of your interview.
Please try to join at least five minutes before the scheduled start time.
What do I need to have ready for my online interview?
You will need to produce your photo ID during your individual interview, so please make sure you have this with you.
You will not need to show us your certificates at the interview stage; we only examine certificates for those students who are made an offer post interview. We have put together a video with helpful tips on how to prepare for your online interview.
What will happen at my online interview?
You will take part in an individual interview which will take approximately 25 minutes. You will be interviewed by one member of academic staff.
What will I be assessed on?
- Your passions for the career of a Radiographer
- Knowledge of the course
- Knowledge of the role of a Radiographer
- The values you demonstrate in your responses
- Your interpersonal skills
What happens after I have completed my interview?
As soon as you have completed your interview, your scores will be reviewed by the Admissions Tutor. We aim to give you a decision as soon as possible and this decision will be communicated to you directly.
We do urge you not to share the interview process with other applicants as you will be putting them at an advantage over your own application.
Further information can be found in the FAQs below.
BSc (Hons) Nursing: RN Adult (B701)
What do I need to do?
Attend an online interview.
How do I access my online interview?
You can access your interview from the link on the email that we have sent you. The date and time of your interview are also included on this email. We will send this to you again a couple of days before your interview as a reminder. Please try to join at least ten minutes before the scheduled start time.
The time of your interview will be GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), if this is not suitable for you, please contact as soon as possible and we will try to arrange a time that is more convenient for you. Please ensure you include your Student ID number and date of birth when contacting the Enquiries team.
We will be making the session live for your interview 30 minutes before it is scheduled, so you can check your access and make sure everything is working in order. If you try to access the interview any time earlier than this, the page may not appear.
We recommend you access the interview using Google Chrome on a desktop computer or laptop however it is possible to access the system on a tablet or smartphone. When you sign into the room please enter your full name.
What do I need to have ready for my online interview?
Please watch this video before your interview, to You will need to produce your photo ID during your individual interview, so please make sure you have this with you.
You will not need to show us your certificates at the interview stage; we only examine certificates for those students who are made an offer post interview. We have put together a video with helpful tips on how to prepare for your online interview.
What will happen at my online interview?
You will have an individual interview which will last around 30 minutes. You will be interviewed by one member of academic staff.
What will I be assessed on?
- Your passions for the career of an Adult Nurse
- Knowledge of the course
- Knowledge of the role of an Adult Nurse
- The values you demonstrate in your responses
- Your interpersonal skills
What happens after I have completed my interview?
As soon as you have completed your interview, your scores will be reviewed by the Admissions Tutor. We aim to give you a decision as soon as possible and this decision will be communicated to you directly.
We do urge you not to share the interview process with other applicants as you will be putting them at an advantage over your own application.
Further information can be found in the FAQs below.
BSc (Hons) Nursing: RN Mental Health (B760)
What do I need to do?
Attend an online assessment, where there will be a welcome talk from the course tutors, followed by an online assessment that you are required to complete.
We will introduce the course, the online assessment, and what's next. We will then provide you with the link to complete your online assessment and be available throughout the duration of your assessment to assist with any technical difficulties.
We have prepared a set of questions which will assess your motivation and your suitability for the course. You don’t need to revise for this assessment, and you will not be asked to complete a Math or English test as part of this.
Please allow up to two hours to attend your assessment session and to complete your online assessment..
Online assessment - once you commence the online assessment you will have 60 minutes to complete five questions and you will only have one attempt, so it is important you make sure you will not be disturbed. The use of Internet or shared answers will be detected and no marks will be awarded in these situations. We would recommend you use a laptop or desktop computer if possible. If you do need more time to submit the assessment please email at least five working days prior to you attending your online assessment session. We may not be able to give extra time to complete this due to the UCAS deadlines so please ensure you contact us as soon as possible if you have any problems.
How do I access the online assessment?
You can access your online assessment from the link on the email that we have sent you.
The date and time of your assessment will be included on your initial email. Please try to join at least ten minutes before the scheduled start time. Please keep your camera turned on, but keep your microphone muted.
We will be making the rooms live for your session one hour before it is scheduled, so you can check your access and make sure everything is working in order. If you try to access the interview any time earlier than this, the page may not appear.
At your online session, the team will provide you with the link to your assessment. Please use the email address that is linked to your UCAS application to log into the assessment.
What do I need to do to have ready for my online assessment?
You will need to produce your photo ID at the assessment, so please make sure you have this with you.
You will not need to show us your certificates at the assessment stage; we only examine certificates for those students who are made an offer post assessment.
What will I be assessed on?
- Your passions for the career of a Mental Health Nurse
- Knowledge of the course
- Knowledge of the role of a Mental Health Nurse
- The values you demonstrate in your responses
- Your interpersonal skills
What happens after I have completed my interview?
As soon as you have completed your interview, your scores will be reviewed by the Admissions Tutor. We aim to give you a decision as soon as possible and this decision will be communicated to you directly.
We do urge you not to share the interview process with other applicants as you will be putting them at an advantage over your own application.
Further information can be found in the FAQs below.
FdSc Nursing Associate (B713)
What do I need to do?
Attend a face-to-face interview.
How do I attend my interview?
Attend an interview day, where there will be a welcome talk from the course tutors, followed by an interview. Your interview day will take place in the Allerton Building on our Frederick Road campus. A member of the team will be present in the reception area of the Allerton building to check you in and take you to your interview. We have provided further details and routes to help you plan your journey.
During the welcome session we will introduce the course, and what's next.
Further details about the date and time of your interview will be in the initial email that we have sent you. Please ensure that you check this information prior to attending. Please arrive to your interview ten minutes before the scheduled start time.
We have prepared a set of questions which will assess your motivation and your suitability for the course. You don’t need to revise for this assessment, and you will not be asked to complete a Math or English test as part of this.
Please allow up to two hours to attend your welcome session and to complete your interview.
What do I need to do to prepare and bring?
You will need to produce your photo ID at registration, so please make sure you have this with you.
You will not need to show us your certificates at the interview stage; we only examine certificates for those students who are made an offer post interview.
What will happen at my interview?
You will be invited to an individual question and answer session with a member of the school lecturing staff. The individual interviews will last around 30 minutes, but we advise that you allow for up to two hours for the interview as you will have the opportunity to watch a presentation and chat to the tutors.
You will not be asked to complete a Math or English test as part of this.
What will I be assessed on?
- Your passions for the career of a Nursing Associate
- Knowledge of the course
- Knowledge of the role of a Nursing Associate
- The values you demonstrate in your responses
- Your interpersonal skills
What happens after my interview?
As soon as you have completed your interview, your scores will be reviewed by the Admissions Tutor. We aim to give you a decision within four weeks of your interview, subject to UCAS deadlines and this decision will be updated on UCAS.
We do urge you not to share the interview process with other applicants as you will be putting them at an advantage over your own application.
Further information can be found in the FAQs below.
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy (B920)
What do I need to do?
Attend an online interview.
How do I access my online interview?
Your interview will take place online via Microsoft Teams. We will send you a confirmation email with the date, time and link of your interview.
Please try to join at least five minutes before the scheduled start time.
What do I need to have ready for my online interview?
You will need to produce your photo ID during your individual interview, so please make sure you have this with you.
You will not need to show us your certificates at the interview stage; we only examine certificates for those students who are made an offer post interview. We have put together a video with helpful tips on how to prepare for your online interview.
What will happen at my online interview?
You will take part in an individual interview which will take approximately 25 minutes. You will be interviewed by one member of academic staff.
What will I be assessed on?
- Your passion for the career of an Occupational Therapist
- Knowledge of the course
- Knowledge of the role of Occupational Therapy
- The values you demonstrate in your responses
- Your interpersonal skills
Individual interviews are scored based on your responses.
What happens after I have completed my interview?
As soon as you have completed your interview, your scores will be reviewed by the Admissions Tutor. We aim to give you a decision as soon as possible and this decision will be communicated to you directly.
We do urge you not to share the interview process with other applicants as you will be putting them at an advantage over your own application.
Further information can be found in the FAQs below.
Top interview tips
Look carefully through any material that’s sent to you before your interview so you know what to expect.
Give yourself time to prepare for your interview. We want you to do your best!
We want to know what makes you tick. Tell us why you’re passionate about your subject and why you want to study at the University of Salford. Remember, we want to hear from you – so don’t swallow a thesaurus, put it in your own words.
Interview FAQs
I’ve received my invitation for my interview, what do I do now?
Please have a read through the course specific information above clearly. This information will guide you through the next steps of your application.
How do I prepare for my interview or assessment?
Firstly read the information on this page and that we have sent you by email, this will tell you exactly what to expect during your interview or assessment.
Secondly, think about why you applied for this course and why you think you'd be good in your chosen health care profession.
Finally, tell us why you're passionate about the subject you've applied for.
My interview is online, how can I prepare for an online interview?
Don't worry if you have never had an online interview before. We have a video with helpful tips of how to prepare for an online interview.
My interview is online, how do I access this?
If your interview is taking place online, we will be using Microsoft Teams. Please ensure you have downloaded this to your laptop or smartphone prior to your interview. Please ensure you check your junk/spam folders as our emails can sometimes be sent there by mistake.
My online interview is taking place on Microsoft Teams. How do I use Microsoft Teams?
1. Your email confirmation will contain a link to join on your computer or mobile app. It’s important that the devices you use have a built-in camera, microphone and secured internet connection.
2. Please DO NOT log in to the Microsoft account you already have as you will be required to join as a guest.
3. On the day of your session, simply click the link to join. Don’t worry if you’re early, you will be placed into a ‘lobby’ and admitted when the session starts. Please ensure you have your photographic ID ready. Please ensure your Teams displays the same full name you use in your application.
4. We will need to be able to see and hear you, so please make sure your microphone, speakers and camera are all turned on. It is a good idea to test these before your session.
5. If on the day you have any technical issues, please contact us as soon as possible by ringing +44 (0)161 295 4545 selecting option 2 then option 2. We will try to solve the problem for you on the phone or rearrange the interview for you.
What should I do if I have any technical difficulties?
Click on the link for the session and this will open in a new tab or direct you to the meeting through the Microsoft Teams app.
You may also see a microphone and camera test pop up the first time you open a session – please complete the set up as you will be asked to use your camera and microphone in your interview.
If your technical problems still persist, please contact us on 0161 295 4545 quoting your Clearing ID number and date of birth.
I can't attend my interview on that day, what should I do?
If you are unable to attend your interview or complete your assessment and would like to reschedule, please contact, quoting your Clearing application ID number, and date of birth. We will then advise whether your interview can be rescheduled. We cannot guarantee alternative dates during Clearing.
I have a disability and am concerned about how this will affect me.
If you have a disability and need support during your interview or assessment, please contact us by calling 0161 295 4545 or email to discuss your needs. Please ensure you have your Clearing ID number and date of birth to hand when contacting the team.
Although the majority of our assessments and interviews are online you may like to find out further information on the accessibility of our campus. If so, please visit the accessibility section of our website. We have also worked closely with AccessAble to produce an assessment of our campus and facilities; you can find out more about access guides and routes across our campus on the AccessAble website.
What happens if I am unsuccessful?
The University has a range of Foundation Year programmes available and if your interview or assessment score falls below the standard that we are looking for then we will look to see if we can offer you a Foundation Year.