
MathScope is designed to help you with any type of mathematical or statistical problem you may come across in your taught course.

Free help with your maths and statistics problems

  • MathScope is a support unit for those of you who may experience difficulties with mathematics in whatever subject you are studying.
  • MathScope is staffed and resourced throughout Semester 1 and 2 of the year and offers a comprehensive service for students who are having difficulty coping with the mathematical demands of their course taught at whatever level. There is much evidence to show that, if steps are taken early enough, the initial reluctance of students to get involved with maths in their subject can be avoided.
  • MathScope has sympathetic, experienced tutors who don't want students to be afraid of mathematics.
  • MathScope is a place for you to go if you start to feel anxious about not being able to cope with mathematics. A place where you will find solutions to your mathematics problems - whatever the level.

Contact us

We are open Monday to Friday: 9.30am till 4.00pm.

Email us via and arrange an appointment to see someone.

Don't leave it too late!! Get in touch with us now!!

Mathematics Diagnostic Test

The successful completion of a course of study in any engineering or science discipline requires a high degree of mathematical skill. The questions in this test are designed to identify those students who may need extra help in developing this skill.