
Salford scoops Silver award in Hedgehog Friendly Campus scheme

Categories: University Campus

The University of Salford is delighted to announce that we have been awarded Silver accreditation in the Hedgehog Friendly Campus (HFC) scheme.

Hedgehog friendly campus (HFC) silver award

The HFC team at the university has gone from strength to strength over the past 12 months and has been working hard to achieve silver accreditation after being awarded Bronze in February 2021.

Funded by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS), the national campaign is designed to safeguard the hedgehog population and turn universities into a safe space where they can thrive.

By completing a list of nine objectives which include: running hedgehog surveys and awareness campaigns, working with the local community to litter pick and creating a hedgehog highway on campus, the team has succeeded in reaching this next major milestone.

Bec Bennett, Head of Environmental Sustainability at the university, said: “I am absolutely delighted that we have achieved silver accreditation in the Hedgehog Friendly Campus scheme! A huge thank you to our dedicated colleague and student volunteers for all of their hard work over the last 12 months to help make this happen and ensure the hedgehog population can prosper on our campus.

“We are looking for more volunteers to join us as we work towards gold, so please get in touch with the team if you’d like to help us reach this next accreditation level.”  

If you would like to get involved and help the team reach Gold accreditation, please get in touch.

For all press office enquiries please email communications@salford.ac.uk.