
Photography student lands International Women's Day exhibition

Categories: School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology

Illustrating the impact of everyday harassment still suffered by women, the exhibition created by University of Salford student, Helen Constantinou, and revealed at The Great Northern Warehouse, highlights the abuse suffered by women over what they choose to wear on a night out.


Helen C

The thought-provoking project titled ‘Who are you to judge me’ highlights the shocking precautions women feel they must take to feel protected today – modifying their choice of clothing to avoid abuse and harassment.


Second year Photography student, Helen Constantinou, said: I’m very pleased to get the exhibition up and running as women’s safety, welfare and independence are close to my heart.

“I am blown away by the generosity of the Management Team at the Great Northern Warehouse for giving me this opportunity to display my work. I feel it is important to show people how their attitudes and prejudices affect others and want to develop this theme further in the near future.

“Every day women have to modify their behaviour to avoid abuse, unwanted interest, judgment, and harassment. Why does Society view any woman whose behaviour doesn’t conform to its ‘norms’ as unacceptable?

“Each woman photographed for this exhibition has her own story of harassment, abuse and shaming. I truly admire their bravery and the shared shining spirit shown in agreeing to be part of this.”


The exhibition displays images of 8 of the 14 female students who took part in the project, all of whom have their own stories of harassment, abuse and shaming with 16 of the 28 images showcased on the ground floor at The Great Northern Warehouse until the end of March with free entry.


Centre Director for The Great Northern, Mark Schofield, said: “Helen’s work is incredibly thought-provoking and shines a light on the harassment and abuse suffered by millions of women over what they choose to wear.

“We hope that people who visit the new gallery at Great Northern Warehouse, will stop to think and reflect on their own experiences.”



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