
Nations and Regions: Media Futures to explore the future of broadcast media at special BBC Digital Cities sessions

Categories: School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology

After the success of previous BBC Digital Cities events last month, the University of Salford are partnering up with the BBC again for two more enlightening online events this October.

Beth Hewitt, Creative Director at MediacityUK, says: ‘Working and collaborating with industry continues to be one of our main drivers within the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology. Embedding industry needs and requirements into our curriculum is vital for our students and these two sessions are putting both industry and new talent at the heart of what we deliver, encouraging and supporting both networking and learning to take place in these online festivals. BBC Digital Cities is a fantastic platform for young and new entrants to engage with and this year I’m delighted that Nations and Regions: Media Futures is being highlighted across the festival to a wide and extensive audience.’   

The first, What the Media Needs (Tuesday 20 October, 1-2pm), will offer a unique insight into what the media is looking for in its graduate starters. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions to the media industry panel, the very people who shape and influence what the media needs, and who know the skills and abilities required across the industry.

Sarah Vignoles, Talent Schemes Director, Edinburgh Television Festival will chair the panel of Talent Executives and Managers including Melissa Mitchell from the BBC, Lucie Hornshaw, ITV North, Tamara Durnford, All3Media and Victoria Roye, Channel 4.

Sarah Vignoles says: “This year has been a time of great instability across the TV industry and I know a lot of people have been feeling unmoored and unsure of what the future holds. I hope that this panel, along with the other brilliant events University of Salford are curating for BBC Digital Cities, will give those in the early stages of their TV careers and aspiring to enter the industry an insight into what the industry needs now and a roadmap for success in the ‘new normal’,”

Our second event, Media Provocations: Rethinking the media for 2020’s (Wednesday 21 October, 4-5pm), will put four of our recent graduates on centre stage. They’ll be talking about what they think the biggest issues facing the media industry are, today, through four short provocations.

This event will be chaired by LA Smith, Red Production Company. The panel of industry professionals, Tasha Crawford, Darryl Morris, Leasha Waddington and Fabian Taghian, will be asked to debate and discuss these short provocations, highlighting issues ranging from social change to political bias, diversity in the media, the TV license and unpaid work experience.

Attendees will have the opportunity to get involved in the debate through the live online Q&A and hear thoughts on the next steps to rethinking the media for the 2020’s.

Nancy Porter, Creative Opportunities Coordinator at the University of Salford, adds: "These sessions provide our students with a direct link to industry. Whether it’s the chance to get their voices heard or to hear about how they can improve their employability skills; they are given a unique insight into the sector in which they are driven to work. This continuing engagement is vital for developing our students knowledge and understanding of the media industry."

These are two can’t-miss events for media professionals, new entrants and those looking to break into the industry! 

What the Media Needs (Tuesday 20 October, 1-2pm). Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-the-media-needs-tickets-122971881207

Media Provocations: Rethinking the media for 2020’s (Wednesday 21 October, 4-5pm). Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/media-provocations-rethinking-the-media-for-2020s-tickets-123056813241


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