Gifts in wills
For over 120 years, we have been a driving force for knowledge, learning, social mobility and regeneration in Salford; since beginning life as the Royal Technical College in 1896 to becoming a university in 1967, we’ve evolved and grown to meet the changing needs of the communities around us.
Every year, we offer a number of scholarships and bursaries to young people who might otherwise be discouraged from higher education and we’ve invested in our campus to create world-class learning environments that will ensure future students have the best university experience possible.
None of this would be possible, however, without the philanthropic support that we receive.
By making a legacy donation, you can extend your charitable giving beyond your lifetime and provide invaluable support to the next generation of Salford students.
There are a number of ways you can leave a gift in your will to the University of Salford; you may choose to leave a specific amount of money, a specific item or leave anything from 1% to 100% of your remaining estate to the University.
Any amount that you donate will go towards safeguarding the future of the University and our students, by funding bursaries and scholarships, investing in our facilities, or supporting ground-breaking research projects.
We are truly grateful to our alumni, staff and friends who have already chosen to remember the University in their will, and if you are considering this type of gift, thank you. Every gift of any size will make a real difference.
We understand that a gift in your will is a very personal gesture, and we can work with you and your family to ensure that your donation is used in the way you would wish.
If you would like to speak to us about leaving a gift, or to request our brochure for more information, please contact Nic Whyley, Senior Philanthropy Manager.
Funding the future with a gift in your will is easy.

Remembering us in your will
If you have already decided to leave a gift in your will to the University, you could use the suggested wording we have drafted below when discussing with your solicitor. This can be included in a new will or as an amendment. A typical form of wording for your will might be:
"I give to the University of Salford (registered as an exempt charity with Inland Revenue XN7329), [donation] to be used for the general purposes of the University. I declare that the receipt of the authorised officer of the University of Salford shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”
You may wish to direct your legacy to benefit a specific area of the University, such as student support, a particular research area or to fund a specific piece of equipment. We are happy to talk to you about this and work out the best option for you.
However, while we will always try to carry out your wishes as closely as possible, we recommend that you avoid expressing your wishes as a binding obligation. This will allow us the flexibility to use our discretion to make the best possible use of your gift, should circumstances change in the future.
Tax implications
The University of Salford was granted the status of an exempt charity by a Statutory Instrument passed in May 1967.
It may be possible for you to limit your exposure to inheritance tax by leaving a legacy to institutions with charitable status such as the University of Salford. For more information about inheritance tax and its application to your situation, you can contact HM Revenue and Customs or seek professional advice.