Filming and Photography/Simulation Suite
Filming and Photography
The University of Salford is an ideal location for filming and photography. Almost all of our buildings and outdoor areas are available for hire, and our proximity to the motorway network makes us easily accessible.
From historic to futuristic, our buildings lend themselves to many different styles.
The grand Victorian Peel Building stands at the front of the campus and overlooks Peel Park. Designed by the architect Henry Lord and built in 1896, this was originally the Salford Royal Technical Institute. The façade is constructed of red Accrington bricks and sculpted terracotta. Like its close neighbours Salford Museum and Art Gallery and the Working Class Movement Library, Peel is Grade II listed.
We have a number of mid-twentieth century buildings which are ideal for location filming and regularly pop-up in TV drama shows.
The simulation suite, based in our Mary Seacole Building, is a world class, state-of-the-art facility which replicates a real hospital environment. The facility provides a perfect environment for television and film recording, with all the authenticity of a real hospital and the support of knowledgeable staff.
Our MediaCityUK campus is ultra-modern. Nestled between the BBC and ITV, we’re right at the heart of the UK’s media hub. This unusual building has four floors and great views over the Quays.
The industry-standard facillities for hire at our MediaCityUK campus include two TV studios, two radio studios and a journalism suite.
We’re established in the location market and well-versed in the fast-paced needs of the film and television industry. We have a wide range of happy clients who’ll vouch for our ability to accommodate even the most curious of requests.
Simulation suite
The simulation suite at the University of Salford is a world class, state-of-the-art facility which replicates a real hospital environment. Working in partnership with architects who specialise in designing healthcare environments, the suite has an authentic and modern ambience in keeping with a real clinical environment.
The facility provides a perfect environment for television and film recording, with all the authenticity of a real hospital and the support of knowledgeable staff.

Our equipment
The environment
On entering the suite, you immediately become immersed in the hospital environment. Walking on real hospital flooring, passing a busy nurses station, the sounds of telephones ringing and nurse call buzzers creates an atmosphere in keeping with a hospital ward.
The suite is self-contained with a secure swipe card entry, ensuring that only those with permitted access are able to enter, guaranteeing that there are no distractions or unwelcome interruptions whilst working in the suite.
Within the suite there are a variety of hospital rooms which can be used for a range of scenarios, including:
- three-bedded adult bay
- two-bedded children's bay
- two side rooms
- treatment room
- day room
- bathrooms
- midwifery labour room
- midwifery home room
The fixtures and fittings also add to the authenticity of the environment, including beds, cots, chairs and patient lockers. Each bed space has simulated oxygen and suction, nurse call buttons, emergency buzzers, name boards and bed lights. All of the clinical equipment is ordered from the NHS supplies directory, thus replicating what is found in a real hospital including needles, syringes, fluid-giving sets and wound dressings.
There is also a replica home environment where home visits and assessments can be carried out and includes a living area, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.
The manikins
The suite can be used for role play of scenarios with actors who are simulated patients. There are also a number of human patient simulator manikins which are used for simulating specific clinical conditions.
The manikins can simulate a variety of clinical conditions including heart attack, pneumonia, major trauma and fitting. This is not an exhaustive list; working alongside the technicians almost any health problems can be replicated using the manikins. The SimMan3G manikin is extremely advanced and has a number of impressive features including palpable pulses, breath, heart and bowel sounds. They can pass urine and can be catheterised, and have fluids and drugs administered.
There are nine simulators each with their own software, control device and bedside monitors. The simulators include the following types:
- SimMan3G
- Nursing Anne
- SimJunior
- SimBaby
- SimNewB
- SimMom
These are operated by experienced simulation technicians from one of the three control rooms, each of which have one-way mirrored glass.
Audio-Visual and immersive technology
Our new immersive simulation room allows users to be transported to any environment without having to leave the suite. The technology combines a series of cameras which project realistic images onto the walls, with audio equipment to transform the space into anything from the back of an ambulance to a nightclub, prison cell or family home.
The suite is fully fitted with an audio-visual system which allows scenarios to be streamed, recorded and played back. It is a discrete, multi-camera and microphone system by which different views (including close-ups of procedures) can be achieved. Through advanced audio, a voice can be provided for the manikins in response to the user’s interactions and clinical interventions carried out.
Get in touch
Contact us if you’re interested in using the facility or would like to take a tour.