Violence, crime and other serious incidents

If you feel seriously at risk or are at immediate physical threat call 999 to ask for the police. 

If you are on or near campus you can also contact the University Security team 24 hours on their emergency number +44 (0)161 295 3333 (the non-emergency number is +44 (0)161 295 4773). If you have called the police to the campus please let the Security team know as they can provide support.

If you have been the victim of crime you can call the police and also the Victim Support Service provides a range of services.

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted you can contact the St. Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) in Manchester which offers a comprehensive specialist care service for adults and children who have experienced rape or sexual assault either recently or historically.  If you are outside Manchester you can find your nearest SARC here. We have also produced guidance to help you understand different options available to you and have more information on Report It.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse you can call the Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline 24 hours on +44 (0)808 200 0247 (free to call within the UK) and visit the information on Report It. Safe in Salford, a front door for domestic abuse support, are holding monthly drop-in sessions on campus with specialist advisers who can offer advice if you are experiencing domestic violence or if you have concerns for a friend or family member - no appointment is needed.  

If you are afraid you may be imprisoned or taken abroad against your will for the purposes of marriage you can contact the Forced Marriage Unit for help. Call +44 (0)207 008 0151 09:00-17:00 weekdays.  At other times call +44 (0)207 008 1500 and ask for the Global Response Centre.  If you are outside the UK call +44 (0)207 008 0151 (not free call).  Email  Karma Nirvana can also provide support and advice for victims or those in danger of honour based abuse and forced marriage. You can contact the UK helpline on +44 (0)800 599 9247 between 09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday. You can also email them:

If you have been the victim of bullying or harassment or have witnessed bullying or harassment (even when online), please head to Report It.