Certificates and Transcripts

Below you will find details and information on how to obtain your certificate and transcript if you have recently graduated or you require additional/replacement documents as a former student. 

There are two types of certificates and transcripts: original and replacement. If you are about to graduate or have graduated in the last three months, please look at ‘Original’ for more information about when and how you will receive your certificate. If you did not receive your original certificate or transcript, or if they have been lost, damaged or stolen, you can order a replacement below.

Please note that the University of Salford changed its crest in November 2017, therefore if you have recently been awarded or ordered a replacement document this will be issued on the new paper.

Receiving your certificate/transcript after being awarded your qualification 

You will receive your documents directly to your address if you have a permanent registered address in the UK.

For overseas addresses, you will receive an email when your certificate is ready. The email will ask you to complete a form requesting how you would like to receive your certificate: with delivery to a nominated address in the UK, or via DHL Express delivery.

If you do not request a nominated address in the UK or the DHL service, your certificate will be posted by international standard airmail to your permanent registered address. This is not a tracked service, therefore the University will not be able to assist with any queries relating to your certificate’s whereabouts.

Once a document is with a postal service, the University cannot accept responsibility if this is lost.

Original certificates

If you have recently been awarded and received your results letter from your school confirming your award, the Student Records team are in the process of arranging the production of your certificate and transcript. See the table below for when you should receive your certificate. 


Results Letter Date 

The date stated on your results letter, issued by your school 

Latest Postal Date 

The latest date on which documents from the specified bulk will leave the university  

Latest Received Date 

The latest date by which documents from the specified bulk should be received 

January 24  04/11/2023 to 05/01/2024  26/01/2024  26/02/2024 
February 24  06/01/2024 to 02/02/2024  01/03/2024  01/04/2024 
March 24  03/02/2024 to 01/03/2024  29/03/2024  29/04/2024 
April 24  02/03/2024 to 05/04/2024  03/05/2024   03/06/2024  
May 24  06/04/2024 to 03/05/2024  31/05/2024   30/06/2024  
June 24  04/05/2024 to 07/06/2024   05/07/2024   05/08/2024  
August 24  08/06/2024 to 02/08/2024   30/08/2024   30/09/2024  
October 24  03/08/2024 to 04/10/2024  31/10/2024  30/11/2024 
November 24  05/10/2024 to 01/11/2024  29/11/2024  30/12/2024 
January 25  02/11/2024 to 03/01/2025  31/01/2025  28/02/2025 
February 25  04/01/2025 to 31/01/2025  28/02/2025  28/03/2025 
March 25  01/02/2025 to 28/02/2025  28/03/2025  28/04/2025 
April 25  01/03/2025 to 28/03/2025  30/04/2025  30/05/2025 
May 25  29/03/2024 to 02/05/2025  30/05/2025  30/06/2025 
June 25  03/05/2025 to 06/06/2025  04/07/2025  04/08/2025 
August 25  07/06/2025 to 01/08/2025  29/08/2025  30/09/2025 

We will post the document to your permanent address (Royal Mail First Class in the UK, Air Mail for International addresses), so please make sure this is up-to-date. If you are moving, or if you are unsure which address we hold on file for you, you can check and update your details via the Self-Service Portal.

If you have been awarded and the latest received date from the table above has passed but you are yet to receive your certificate and transcript, contact the Student Records team at sa-studentrecords@salford.ac.uk for further assistance. Please remember to include your Student ID within the email, so the team can assist you at promptly as possible.

If you are required to provide proof that you have been successful in obtaining a degree from the University for an external organisation (e.g. Embassy or your employer) and are yet to receive your certificate and transcript, please use your results letter issued by the school in the first instance. If this is not sufficient then please contact the Student Records team at sa-studentrecords@salford.ac.uk stating the reason that you require this, attaching relevant supporting evidence to the email where appropriate. Please remember to include your Student ID within the email, so the team can assist you at promptly as possible.

Please note that if you have any outstanding debts the University will withhold your certificate and transcript until your debt is settled in full. For further information, please contact the Income & Treasury Team on +44 (0)161 295 0023 (option 2, option 1) or by email at income-treasury@salford.ac.uk.

Replacement certificates

If you fail to notify us within three calendar months of your award date that you have not received your degree certificate and transcript, please be aware that you may be charged for a replacement.

Replacement certificates and transcripts can be purchased through the online shop. There will be a charge of £30 for this service, though please note that delivery charges may apply depending on your preferred delivery method.

Order a replacement certificate 

Original transcripts

We provide you with one free copy of your original transcript. This shows a breakdown of your modules and marks. You will receive this with your certificate when you graduate. 

If you require additional copies, you can order these through our online shop. If you graduated in or after 2006, there will be a charge of £15.00 per additional copy for this service, and you can order up to five copies per transaction.

Please note that delivery charges may apply depending on your preferred delivery method.

Please note that if you have any outstanding debts we may withhold your transcript until your debt is settled in full. For further information, please contact the Income & Treasury Team on +44 (0)161 295 0023 (option 2, option 1) or by email income-treasury@salford.ac.uk.

Replacement transcripts

If you require additional copies of your original transcript, or if your documents have been lost or damaged, we can provide you with a replacement. If you fail to notify the University that you have not received a copy of your original transcript within three calendar months of your award date, please be aware that you may be charged for a replacement.

2007 onwards

If you graduated in or after 2007 there is a charge of £15 per copy for this service. You can order up to five copies of your transcript per transaction. Please note that delivery charges may apply depending on your preferred delivery method. On receipt of your payment we aim to produce your documents within 10 working days plus delivery times.

If you have any further queries please contact askUS team by email at askUS@salford.ac.uk.  

2006 or earlier

If you graduated in or before 2006, please be aware that it was not standard University policy to issue a transcript at this time so you may not have been issued with an original. As the University’s policy at this time was to manually produce transcripts on request by searching our archives, there is more work involved in trying to gather the required information and, in some cases, we may not be able to find all requested information.

There is a charge of £30 per copy for this service. Please be aware that the payment is for the search of your academic records rather than the transcript itself, therefore if the University is unable to find sufficient information to produce a transcript, we will provide as much information as  possible about the course and your details that we find in order to provide you with a relevant official University document for each order. As a result, you are not automatically entitled to a refund if we cannot find enough information to compile a transcript.

You can order up to five copies of your transcript per transaction. Please note that delivery charges may apply depending on your preferred delivery method. On receipt of your payment we aim to produce your documents within 20 working days plus delivery times.

If you have any further queries please contact the Student Records team by email at sa-studentrecords@salford.ac.uk

Additional information
Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement helps support the recognition of academic qualifications.   

The University of Salford’s Diploma Supplement provides an overview of the level, context and status of the programme of studies that were pursued by the holder of the qualification identified within the Academic Transcript.  The Academic Transcript is issued with the certificate.  The Diploma Supplement, along with the transcript, makes it easier for employers and education institutions to understand the qualification achieved. 

Diploma Supplements are updated annually, to reflect the current Academic Regulations. This Diploma Supplement is only for use by recent graduates who have been awarded their qualification.  

If you require a Diploma Supplement for academic study for more than 12 months ago, please email sa-studentrecords@salford.ac.uk stating your name, student ID number if you know it, your date of birth, qualification awarded and date awarded to receive the relevant Diploma Supplement document. 

Name and name changes

Your certificate will display the name in which you registered, and in the UK name format of first name, middle name and last name. It is your responsibility to check that your full and complete legal name is held on our records. You can check this via the Self-Service Portal

If your name is incorrect and you haven't submitted your final piece of work or sat your last examination yet, please email askus@salford.ac.uk and attach evidence of your full and correct name (e.g. your passport, driving licence or deed poll). Please include your student ID number and full name in the email and include ‘URGENT: Name Change for Certificate’ in the subject heading of the message.

If you have already submitted your final piece of work or sat your last examination and need a name change, please refer to the University’s Student Name Change Policy, which outlines our requirements to meet requests of this nature. After consulting the Student Name Change Policy, all requests to process name changes should be directed to the Student Records team via email on sa-studentrecords@salford.ac.uk.

Apostille stamp

An Apostille is a legal certification that makes a document from one country valid in another country (provided that both countries are signatories to the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents).

In the UK, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Legalisation Department is the office that has the responsibility of issuing an Apostille certificate to documents originating from the UK. The University cannot issue an Apostille. To apply for an Apostille you need to apply to a recognised Public Notary to have the relevant documents notarised and apply to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to have your notarised documents legalised and an Apostille issued.