Guidance for Ramadan

Fasting is an integral part of religious life, discipline, and an experience of many faiths. Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. For Muslims, Ramadan is a very spiritual month; it is a month of special blessings, love, and care for others. During this month, Muslims around the globe will be fasting and showing extra kindness to those who are less fortunate.

As well as becoming more God-conscious, which results in suppressing the desires for food, drink, and sexual activity, staying hungry builds empathy for those less fortunate, who are deprived of food and drink for days on end. This empathy will motivate the fasting person to take extra steps in looking after loved ones and those in need by supporting them in their time of need.

Ramadan 2024 is expected to commence after sunset on Sunday 10 March and will continue for 29 or 30 days until Tuesday 9 or Wednesday 10 April (subject to lunar observation). The festival of Eid al-Fitr 2024 will be celebrated on Tuesday 9 or Wednesday 10 April (subject to lunar observation). Note that in the Muslim calendar, a day begins on the sunset of the previous day, so practicing Muslims will begin observing Ramadan on the sunset of Sunday 10 March and the first day of fast could be Monday 11 March. After the completion of Ramadan, the next day will be celebrated as Eid al-Fitr.

Ramadan Mubarak (Blessed Ramadhan)

Faith Centre opening hours

The Faith Centre opening times will be extended to accommodate more prayers for the holy month of Ramadan and attendees will need a current valid University ID to gain access as the Faith Centre will be on swipe access only. 

The opening times from Sunday 10 March until Thursday 28 March are:

  • Monday-Friday: 08:30-22:00
  • Saturday and Sunday: 17:30-22:00

The opening times from Friday 29 March until Monday 1 April (Easter weekend) are:

  • Friday 29 and Saturday 30 March: 17:30-22:00
  • Sunday 31 March and Monday 1 April (Easter Monday): 18:30-23:00

The opening times from Tuesday 2 April until Saturday 9 April are:

  • Monday-Friday: 08:30–23:00
  • Weekends: 18:30-23:00


Fasting and Iftar (breaking of the fast) at the Faith Centre in Ramadan

Traditionally, Muslims open their fast in the evening with dates and water. This is called Iftar (breaking of the fast). These will be provided and will be available daily to staff and students in the Faith Centre before Maghrib (sunset) prayer. 

Students may bring their own full Iftar to have in the social space on the first floor of the Faith Centre after Maghrib prayer. The Faith Centre opening times will be extended over the weekends and holidays to facilitate Iftar for staff members and students. 

Occasionally, some staff members and students may bring Iftars (breaking of the fast meal) to share with all at the Faith Centre and Imam Rashid will provide holy water (Zamzam) occasionally or normal water and dates daily when he attends the first 14 Iftars. He will entrust the volunteers thereafter to serve dates and water daily. 

ISOC (Islamic Society of University of Salford) will try to provide daily Iftars depending on donations received. If you want to participate in any of these Iftars you must fill in the form first. You must also join the Ramadan 2024 Iftar WhatsApp group and confirm daily on the group chat when you want to attend the Iftar. Please message the mobile number in the form above to join the WhatsApp group. However, filling in this form does not confirm Iftar arrangements for you, you will have to text daily in the group for Iftar on that day.

No collective or individual Suhur (pre-dawn meal) will be taking place at the Faith Centre. 

Staff and students of all religious backgrounds, beliefs or none are welcome to attend the Faith Centre over this period to participate in the Iftars (breaking of the fast), explore, observe, or simply come and ask questions.

The following are exempted from fasting: 

  • Those who are travelling 
  • Sick people with unmanageable diabetes  
  • People who are ill (physically or mentally)  
  • People with incurable diseases  
  • People with unmanageable chronic diseases  

Further exemptions and details: Category: Fasting | Islamic Portal 

Daily prayers in Ramadan

The Faith Centre opening times will be extended to accommodate daily Maghrib, Isha and Taraweeh prayers. The option to offer all daytime prayers in congregation during Monday-Friday will be available except during the extended Easter weekend and the option to offer evening prayers in congregation will be available during the weekends and the extended Easter weekend. 

Staff and students will need their current valid university ID to access the Faith Centre as both floors of the building will be on swipe access only. 

Friday prayers

Multiple Friday prayers (Jumu'ah) will take place at the Faith Centre for staff and students only and only one Friday prayer, during the 3-week Easter break. The Faith Centre will be closed alongside other University buildings during the day on Good Friday (29 March), therefore Friday prayer (Jumu'ah) will not take place at the Faith Centre.  

The other closest prayer facility is the Salford Islamic Community Centre on 178 Langworthy Rd, Salford, M6 5PP. 

Please see the Prayer Timetable below for full details of prayer timings. Attendees will be required to use their current valid University ID to access the building. 

Imam Rashid, the University Muslim chaplain may ask attendees to show their ID and guide them to use their ID to access the building. Attendees will be requested to co-operate and follow the instructions given by Imam Rashid. 

Ramadan – Prayer timetable for Beginning Times

Please see the Ramadan 2024 Prayer Timetable.


Taraweeh Salah (late night prayers) in Ramadan

Taraweeh Salah will take place at the Faith Centre for staff and students only and the Faith Centre will close after Taraweeh. Taraweeh can also be performed in congregation in a local Mosque.

The Hafiz(people who have memorised the entire Qur’an by heart) who led the Taraweeh in 2023 may continue from where they had read up to in 2023 in Taraweeh at the Faith Centre. The recitation of Surah A`araaf (chapter 7) was completed, therefore, the Hafiz may want to continue starting with Surah Anfaal (chapter 8). 

  1. Local mosques may vary in the amount of recitation and length of the prayer, and this is understandable.  
  2. Where possible, Taraweeh salah should be offered in Jama’at (congregation). 
  3. Those who are not Haafiz may read whatever they are able to, such as the last Surahs (chapters) of the Qur’an i.e. from Surah Feel to Surah Naas. 
Eid Prayers

Eid al-Fitr prayers will take place for staff and students only at the Faith Centre at 10:00 on the first of Shawwaal: Tuesday 9 or Wednesday 10 April, depending on moon sighting. 

The attendees will be required to use their University ID to access the Faith Centre building.  

Additional Advice
Importance of a daily schedule in Ramadan

To maximise the reward of Ramadan it is important to develop a daily itinerary and it is advisable to incorporate some of the below therein: 

  • Ramadan is the month of Qur’an, therefore try to recite the Qur’an as much as possible. Those at home should attempt to undertake more Qur’an completions during this month. It may be helpful to fix a time wherein the entire household recite the Qur’an 
  • Those who are not ḥāfiẓ of the Qur’an should start to memorise it 
  • Allocate up to 15 minutes after one of the Ṣalāh and share Islamic discourses from a reliable book or online resource with the entire family 
  • Listen to one lecture a day of a reputable scholar via the Masjid receiver system or the internet. A speakers list is available on Islamic faith resources document 
  • Recite Salat & Salaam (durūd/ salutations) upon the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) regularly. Scholars have mentioned that Salaat & Salam (durūd) is from among the most effective means of the removal of epidemics and plagues based on the ḥasan (agreeable) ḥadīth in Sunan al-Tirmidhī (2457). The Prophet ﷺ said to a companion who decided to dedicate all his supplication to durūd, “Then, your worries will be taken care of and your sins will be forgiven” (Mā Rawāhu al-Wāʿūn fī Akhbār al-Ṭāʿūn, p.169; Badhl al-Māʿūn, p.333). 
  • Perform Tahajjud Ṣalāh and make duʿāʾ to Allah Almighty during the night and also between the Adhān and Iqāmah and whilst fasting. The supplication of a fasting person is accepted as mentioned in ḥadīths 
  • Read the masnūn ifṭār supplications (Duas) 
  • Repent to Allah Almighty and seek His forgiveness regularly. The Prophet ﷺ would repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness more than seventy times daily (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 6307) 
Examinations and assessments in Ramadan - Fasting tips
  • Ensure you are well rested the day before  
  • Prepare the night before and plan times in the day when you can rest  
  • Check the examination timetable carefully and avoid rushing around in the morning 
  • Have suhur (a pre-dawn meal) that is wholesome and filling in order to sustain energy for many hours. It is important to include slowly digested foods  
  • If the examination is in the morning, take a long rest in the afternoon if required
  • If the examination is in the afternoon, take a short rest during the morning hours 
  • If you feel tired and sluggish, refresh yourself with wudhu (ritual ablution)  
  • Eat healthy when you break your fast (Iftar) at the end of the day  
  • Drink lots of water between sunset and sunrise. It is good to sip small amounts whilst praying, doing revision, reading and other activities. This will keep you strong and hydrated for the following long fasting hours and will help prevent dehydration and headaches 
  • Limit all kinds of physical activities. Take the opportunity to rest when you can and try to avoid the dehydrating effects of sitting in hot sunshine or unnecessary exertion 
  • If your health is put at serious risk due to the fast, through possible dehydration or injury, you can break your fast. You can make up the broken fast at a later date when your health is better 
Advice from the University Chaplain Imam Rashid Musa

There will be no restrictions this Ramadan compared to those Ramadans when Covid-19 was at its peak. We will be able to enjoy the collective atmosphere of Ramadan which we are normally accustomed to at the time of Iftar (breaking of the fast) and congregational prayers. In this regard, a Muslim's approach should be balanced between the following:

  1. We must constantly thank Allah for the opportunity and value it by maximising it and eagerly make duas (supplications) and beg Allah Ta'ala for continuous Aafiyah (ease/comfort/prosperity). We should admit to our weakness in the face of trials, and our desire not to be tested.
  2. We must express our resignation to, and be pleased with, whatever Allah Ta’ala has destined for us. There is always wisdom in whatever condition Allah Ta’ala places us in, and we do not have the knowledge to recognise the hidden benefits that lie in these outwardly adverse conditions. The submission to the Grand Plan of Allah Ta’ala is known as Radha bil Qadhaa (being pleased with the decree of Allah Ta’ala).

The above points reflect the approach Muslims should adopt in Ramadhan and at all times and in all conditions, whether favourable or unfavourable and finally, let us remind ourselves of the words of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him): 

“Wondrous is the affair of a believer, as there is good for him in every matter; this is not the case for anyone but a believer. If he experiences pleasure, he thanks Allah and it is good for him. If he experiences harm, he shows patience and it is good for him.” (Sahih Muslim 2999) 

We should feel positive this Ramadhan and take the opportunity of this blessed month to pray for all of humanity and for the world to become a safe place for all once again. Ameen.