Alumni Achievement Awards
Our annual Alumni Achievement Awards are an opportunity to honour and recognise alumni who achieve excellence in their field and inspire others. Our alumni truly represent our Salford values and demonstrate how our alumni community drives positive change in all sectors and across the globe.
Our 2024 award winners have now been announced. Find out more about our 2024 Alumni Achievement Award winners.

We accept nominations made for someone else and self-nominations. The awards are open to all alumni from the University of Salford and all of our predecessor institutions. We particularly welcome nominations about female alumni and those from minoritised ethnic groups, as in the past they have been under-represented.
The call for nominations for 2024 is closed. Keep an eye on your emails to be notified of our next call-out in 2025. You can update your contact details and mailing preferences if you do not already receive our communications.
2023 award winners

Our Alumni Achievement Award winners from last year serve as shining examples of our commitment to making a positive impact on society. Through their unwavering passion and dedication in various aspects of life – from healthcare to business, charity work to the arts – our alumni embody the values of the University in everything they do.
2022 award winners

Read all about the fantastic individuals we awarded in the 2022 Alumni Achievement Awards