Mrs Joanne Ashworth

School of Health & Society

Image of Mrs Joanne Ashworth coming soon

Contact Details

L611, Allerton Building
Frederick Road Campus
University of Salford
M5 4WT

Current positions

Senior Lecturer


Joanne qualified in 1997 from the University of Teesside where she trained in 3 Newcastle hospitals and since then has worked on a number of NHS sites in the North West of England. Through this experience, she developed a broad range of radiographic skills and knowledge including fluoroscopy, interventional radiology, CT and dental radiography but general radiography remained the focus of her interests. Her last clinical role was as clinical tutor at the Royal Bolton Hospital where she was also an advanced practitioner, reporting radiographer. She joined the team at the university in January 2013 but had been involved with the directorate for some years as a visiting tutor, facilitating problem based learning (PBL) and image interpretation workshops and working alongside the academic team to support students as clinical tutor.
In 2016, she completed her MA in Clinical Education with a dissertation seeking to understand how educators might help students to develop image appraisal skills. This has led to an interest in percept development and pattern recognition that is informing her teaching methods and has enabled the development of a module focusing on the core skills of radiological reporting: communication, analysis of visual and cognitive errors and learning strategies to support the development of expert performance.
Joanne is a panel member for the University of Salford Programme Approval and Review. This involves critical evaluation of module and programme amendments and proposals.
As directorate lead for apprenticeships, Joanne is supporting programme teams to manage and develop their apprenticeships as well as explore opportunities to create new apprenticeship programmes.
External examiner: MSc in Diagnostic Radiography, MSc in Medical Imaging. Trinity College, University College Dublin.

Areas of Research

Improving patient outcomes
Clinical education
Image appraisal
Image interpretation