We are only an email away

We want you to know that we're here to offer a helping hand and can answer any questions you may have.

We're only an email away

Got a question about our courses? Whatever you need to know, our tutors are only an email away. 

Course Tutor Email address
Animation Jonathon Byrne j.g.byrne@salford.ac.uk
Art and Design Foundation Year Matthew Morriss m.morriss@salford.ac.uk
Art and Design Foundation Year Hannah Gibson h.gibson@salford.ac.uk
Costume Design Katherine Foster k.foster@salford.ac.uk
Creative Digital Media / Social Media Content Creation (DipHEs) Luke Harrison l.a.harrison@salford.ac.uk
Dance Deborah Milner d.l.m.milner@salford.ac.uk 
Digital Video Production and Marketing Noel Mellor n.mellor3@salford.ac.uk
English, Drama and Creative Writing Mark Yates m.t.yates@salford.ac.uk
Fashion Business and Promotion Gemma Moran g.moran@salford.ac.uk
Fashion Design James Pegg j.d.pegg@salford.ac.uk
Fashion Image Making and Styling Dan Szor d.r.szor@salford.ac.uk
Film Production Jane Sayer j.e.sayer@salford.ac.uk
Film Studies, English and Film Monika Kukolova m.kukolova@salford.ac.uk
Film, TV and Stage Design Emma Dibb e.j.dibb@salford.ac.uk 
Fine Art David Hancock d.r.hancock@salford.ac.uk
Games Design and Production Mick Lockwood m.g.lockwood@salford.ac.uk
Graphic Design Alan Oliver a.oliver3@salford.ac.uk
Interior Design Tim Bramley t.j.bramley@salford.ac.uk
Journalism Paul Duckworth p.a.duckworth@salford.ac.uk
Music Adam Hart a.m.hart1@salford.ac.uk
Performance Helen Mason h.l.mason1@salford.ac.uk
Photography Caroline Edge c.edge@salford.ac.uk
Politics and Contemporary History Krysten Blackstone k.e.blackstone@salford.ac.uk
Post Production and VFX Jamie Lochhead d.j.lochhead@salford.ac.uk
Television and Radio Production Robin Ellis r.ellis@salford.ac.uk

Get in touch

For application enquiries or anything else, please contact our dedicated enquiries team: