Community - Campus Initiatives

The Campus Initiatives fund provides grants of up to £5,000 for projects that not only enrich the experience of our students and staff but enhances their personal and professional development. 

Our initiatives are funded entirely by our donor community and thanks to your generosity, we were able to fund eight Campus Initiative projects for 2022! 

Community Growing Space

2022 also saw the opening of the Community Growing Space, a project initially funded the year before which experienced several delays due to the supply issues as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Led by Marta Strzelecka, our Environmental Management Coordinator, the Community Growing Space was designed as a social space for students, staff, and members of the local community. During the creation, the team regularly consulted with our community through the Green Campus Group, the Salford Ranger team, and the Wildlife Society, to gain an insight into possible additions and improvements.

The Space features 11 planters, a tool shed, two bird feeders, four benches, a hardstanding area, and two wildflower patches. Every element, other than the bird feeders, were created by the local community - volunteers from Growing Togetherness - with reclaimed wood from Touch Wood

We are proud that the Space is actively being used by our community who are welcome to help themselves to whatever is growing in the planters, mainly herbs and flowers at the moment!

When asked about the highlight of the project, Marta said: 

"The main highlight of the project has been the level of interest and engagement from our community. We've received lots of support and great feedback from students, staff, and local residents, which has been wonderful seeing as the space has been developed with and for them. 

Community growing space with bird feeder

"Another highlight has been the presence of plants and wildlife in itself. We've had lots of comments from users and passersby, especially about the colourful wildflower patches, full of bees and other pollinators during warmer months, as well as birds visiting the garden, including regulars, a pair of robins, a pair of great tits, and a magpie. We've also had two sunflowers 'plant themselves' in the large planter, most probably from the bird seeds."